W. Qisheng and Z. Ying, "Preparation and research of triethanolamine with dibasic organic acid-modified cement grinding aids," Bulletin of the Chinese Ceramic Society, vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 697–707, 2014. View at: Google Scholar
Milling aids have been predominantly developed to increase the performance or grinding capacity of cement products, and alcohol amines have been used as grinding aids in cement grinding processes for many years. Moreover, the setting point of cement produced with grinding aids is most often changed. In this study, the effects of alkanolamines and boron …
A comprehensive research project was undertaken to evaluate the effect of specific energy consumption (Ec) on variations of portland cement fineness measured by the Blaine test and sieve analysis. Amine and glycol-based grinding aids (GA) were
Grinding aids (GAs) are increasingly used during cement production to reduce energy consumption and/or optimize clinker factor. This paper seeks to …
Jeknavorian and others had identified phenol, 5-glycol, and alkanolamine compounds in cement with the test tech- ... Grinding aids except the reference cement were used in all the cement produced in the experiments. For each experiment, 3000 g of clinker was weighed, and then the grinding aid + boron compound
problems associated with cement grinding aids Problems Associated With Cement Grinding Aids. Problems Associated With Cement Grinding Aids. Introduction.Energy utilization during the grinding process of portland cement clinker and gypsum can be significantly improved by adding polar organic compounds referred to as grinding aids in concentrations less than 500 …
Jolicoeur, J. Polyol-type compounds as clinker grinding aids: Influence of powder fluidity and on cement hydration / J. Jolicoeur, S. Morasse, J. Sharman et al. // 12th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement. -2007.
addition, grinding aid composition might not consist of mixtures of pure compounds, but rather more complex raw materials (Jeknavorian et al. 1998b). The grinding aids such as alkanolamines and glycols are also widely used in other kinds of chemical industry, e.g., as corrosion inhibitors, emulsifiers, laundry materials,
A.A. Jeknavorian, E.F. Bary, F. Serafin, Determination of grinding aids in Portland cement by pyrolysis gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, Cement and Concrete Research, 28(9) (1998) 1335-1345. [6]
Introduction. Energy utilization during the grinding process of Portland cement clinker and gypsum can be significantly improved by adding polar organic compounds (referred to as grinding aids) in concentrations less than 500 ppm .Because of their highly polar nature, grinding aid compounds preferentially adsorb on surfaces formed by the fracture of …
Jeknavorian AA, Barry EF, Serafin F (1998) Determination pp 111–148 of grinding aids in Portland cement by pyrolysis gas chro- 12. Seebach MV, Schneider L (1986) Update on finish grinding matography-mass spectrometry.
Grinding aids are mostly organic compounds that are added to the clinker in the cement milling process. Their main purposes are to reduce the energy required to grinding process the clinker into a given blain and therefore increase the efficiency of the cement mill.
Jeknavorian Cement Grinding Aids. Grinding Aid For Lime Stone koutek krtecek cz The effect of grinding aids on the fine grinding of Powder Technology 67 1991 277 286 The effect of grinding aids on the fine grinding of limestone quartz and Portland cement clinker S Sohoni R Sridhar and G Mandal Department of Chemical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology …
in cement grinding. Grinding aids are active surface agents that counteract the agglomeration of very fine particles on the grinding media, thus inhibiting the grinding effect and therefore reducing production rates. A number of grinding aids ar e available on the market.
Different contents of stearic acid were added to mixtures, and the influences of stearic acid as grinding aids on portland cement performances, including specific surface, compressive strength, hydration heat, Ca(OH)2 (CH) content, C-S-H gel and ettringite (AFT) content were discussed in this paper. The results show that the addition of small amount of …
Abstract The pyrolysis of Portland cement followed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry is described for the determination of chemical additives interground with cement clinkers known as grinding aids. This technique, coupled with in situ derivitization using BSTFA-TMCS reagent, has been found to be readily applicable for detecting phenol, along with five glycol and …
Jeknavorian and others had identified phenol, 5-glycol, ... Grinding aids except the reference cement were used in all the cement produced in the experiments. For each experiment,
The characterization of the grinding aids (GA) was carried out by Fourier transform infra-red spectroscopy (FT-IR) and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). All the cement mixtures were tested for initial and final setting times, consistency of standard paste, flow of normal mortar and compressive strengths after 2, 7 and 28 days.
Jeknavorian AA, Barry EF, Serafin F (1998) Determination of grinding aids in Portland cement by pyrolysis gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Cem Concr Res 28(9):1335–1345 Article Google Scholar
tion range of grinding aids added is from 50 to 500 ppm. After the grinding process the additives might not be any longer in their original chemical form. In addition, grinding aid compo-sition might not consist of mixtures of pure compounds, but rather more complex raw materials (Jeknavorian et al., 1998).
Accordingly, in one aspect, there is provided a grinding aid composition for cement clinker grinding, comprising: an alkanolamine compound that is …
Portland CEM I-type cement was produced in the tests, and grinding aids were used in all the cement produced except for the reference cement. The grinding aid amount was chosen as constant as 0.1 % by mass which was mostly the determined portion of the literature [3, 16, 25] and to receive both standard limitations of TS EN 197-1 and ASTM C465 [26].
Cement and Concrete Research, 2009, 39(2): 110–115. Article Google Scholar [9] Jeknavorian AA, Barry EF, Serafin F. Determination of Grinding Aids in Portland Cement by Pyrolysis Gas Chromatography-mass Spectrometry[J]. Cement and Concrete Research, 1998, 28(9): 1 335–1 345
The evaluation of the grinding aids (GA) was carried out by interground 0.015% of each grinding aid with gypsum and a Portland cement clinker (95% clinker, 5% gypsum), in a 1 kg laboratory rotating ball mill, using steel balls as grinding medium, to a Blaine surface area of about 4000 cm 2 /g (according to the Blaine air permeability method) .
The results of small mill indicated that formulated cement grinding aids not only showed effective grind for silica and formulated silicate cements, decreased 45μm sieve residual value of 11.4% -12.0%, and increased surface area of 2 -10 m^2/kg but also made distribution of particle size reasonable while flexural strength and compressive strength was improved.
jeknavorian cement grinding aids mbgenterprisenl. Grinding Aid For Lime Stone koutekkrtecekcz The effect of grinding aids on the fine grinding of Powder Technology, 67 (1991) 277286 The effect of grinding aids on the fine grinding of limestone, quartz and Portland cement clinker S Sohoni, ...
The first commercial use of grinding aids in the cement industry came about 40 years ago. These grinding aids are usually organic liquids, added in amounts usually not exceeding by weight. They are used to increase the product fineness at a given production rate or to increase the production rate at a given product sire. CemCon
Jeknavorian AA, Barry EF, Serafin F. Determination of Grinding Aids in Portland cement by Pyrolysis Gas Chromatography‒ Mass Spectrometer. Cement and Concrete Research. 1998;28(9):1335‒1345. Assaad JJ, Asseily SE, Harb J. Use of cement grinding aids to optimize clinker factor. Advances in Cement Research. 2010;22(1):29–36. Hasegawa M.