COP26: South Africa hails deal to end reliance on coal

South Africa is set to receive $8.5bn (£6.2bn) to help end its reliance on coal in a deal announced at the COP26 climate summit. President Cyril Ramaphosa has called it a "watershed moment".

1 IntroductIon to south AfrIcAn coAl mInIng And …

Figure 1.3 Coal reserves of South Africa, 20105 The importance of the coal industry to South Africa has motivated the Department of Mineral Resources to oversee a re …

Mining assets in the Northern Cape

Mining sector employment rose somewhat in 2017/18, reaching a total of 27 000. Mining assets in the Northern Cape. 95% of South Africa's diamond output; 97.6% of alluvial diamond mining; 13.4% of world lead exports; 80% of the world's manganese resource; 25% of the manganese used in the world; of South Africa's tiger's eye

New Vaal

New Vaal is an opencast mine, located 14km south of Vereeniging in the Free State. It produces around 16Mtpa to Eskom's Lethabo power station. The operation uses opencast strip mining methods to mine remnant coal pillars that resulted from underground extraction mining methods used in the 1960s. New Vaal employs 2,895 people – 1,267 ...


South Africa contributes about 3.5% of the world's coal resources. The country's production is around 3.3% of the world's annual total and exports approximately 6% of global exports. Coal is the major primary energy source for South Africa. More than 90% of the country's electricity

The Economic and Environmental Effects of Coal Mining: South Africa

According to the estimation, the economically. recoverable coal reserves in South Africa are between 15 and 55 billion tonnes, which means the. existing productive coal mines can be mined from 15 ...

Harmful mining activities, environmental …

PDF | In South Africa, the right to a clean environment is constitutionally guaranteed. ... water decreases and rivers dry up and the cloud of . ... near coal mines (Hendry & Ahem, 2008). In .

Association of coal fired power plants with river water …

The national power utility owns and operates approximately 95% of the coal-fired power plants (CFPPs) in South Africa. It has been hypothesised that power …

New study says acid drainage from coal mines …

South Africa is the world's no. 5 coal exporter and according to the study there are nearly 6,000 abandoned mines in the country. MingingWeekly reports prospecting rights for coal mining were ...

Reducing water use and pollution in South African …

Grewar says there is a huge amount of water in the Mpumalanga coalfields. An estimated 360 megalitres (ML) a day of mine-impacted water would …

Water pollution from acid drainage due to coal mining in …

South Africa is one of the seven largest coal-producing and one of the top five coal-exporting countries in the world. About one quarter of coal mined in South Africa is exported, most of which leaves the country via Richards Bay. In South Africa, and particularly in the province of Mpumalanga, large-scale coal mining operations also …

Investment Opportunities in South African Coal

7) Conclusion. Investment opportunities in South African coal are still viable, despite the challenges faced by the industry. The country's rich coal reserves, domestic consumption, global demand, and technological innovations offer attractive prospects for investors. However, it is essential to carefully assess the risks, such as environmental ...

Acid Mine Drainage in South Africa

treats 25ML/day of acid mine water generated by coal mining to a drinking water standard. These users of the treated water, but also the receiving aquatic environment. There is an estimated 62ML/day post-closure decant from coal mines in the Highveld Coalfield and around 50ML/day of AMD discharging into the Olifants River Catchment,

Two Rivers Platinum Mine Merensky project, South Africa – …

Two Rivers Platinum Mine Merensky project. Location. On the eastern limb of the Bushveld Complex, about 35 km south-west of Burgersfort, in Mpumalanga, South Africa. Project Owner/s. Two Rivers is ...

Five largest coal mines in South Africa in 2020

Here are the five largest coal mines by production in South Africa, according to GlobalData's mining database. 1. Grootegeluk Mine. The Grootegeluk Mine is a surface mine located in Limpopo. It is owned by Exxaro Resources and produced an estimated 28.864 MTPA of coal in 2020. The mine will operate until 2040.

Reducing water use and pollution in South African mining

Mines in South Africa are employing increasingly sophisticated methods to address the twin issues of reducing water use and stopping pollution. Miners operating in South Africa, where scattered and erratic rainfall is increasingly the norm, describe water as the single-biggest environmental risk to their operations. This is unlikely to change.

South Africa: Kwa-Zulu Natal community fights …

4 Apr 2022. Frustrated residents of Somkhele, a rural mining community in the South African province of Kwa-Zulu Natal, are accusing a large coal mine -that is planning to expand – of gross ...

Elders Coal Mine

Table 1: Project-level location details. Mine Name. Location. Coordinates ( WGS 84 ) Elders Coal Mine. Bethal, Nkangala, Mpumalanga, South Africa [1] -26.239016, 29.287922 (approximate) The map below shows the approximate location of …

(PDF) South African Mine Effluents: Heavy Metal

Mine dust contains heavy metals and its dispersion can pollute the rivers, while many residents near mining areas use river water as domestic water for washing dishes, clothes, etc., posing a ...

An overview of the Permian (Karoo) coal deposits of southern Africa

The coal occurs in two main regions, the Zambezi basin in the north-east and the Save-Limpopo area in the south, close to the border with South Africa (Figs. 1 and 2 (b), columns 23–25). Karoo-age strata occur to the west and northwest of the craton in the mid-Zambezi basin and contain the major coal deposits of Zimbabwe ( Duguid, 1986a ).

Thorny River: inside a cutting edge project to mine diamonds in South

Subterrane, the sciences and engineering researcher, is working commercially with mining company Botswana Diamonds on their Thorny River Project in the Limpopo Belt Province of South Africa using a technology first developed in the oil and gas industry. Yoana Cholteeva caught up with their progress as they seek to find …

What we mine

In South Africa, our coal business, Thermal Coal, wholly owns and operates seven mines and has a 73% stake in two mines, Kriel and the new Zibulo Colliery – a multi-product operation that produces coal for both export and Eskom. The balance is held by Inyosi Coal, a broad-based black economic empowerment entity. ...

Full article: Management of Environmental Impacts from …

This paper provides a broad overview of coal mining, water resources and AMD in the upper Olifants River catchment. The evolution of water governance related to …

Sukuma Coal Mine

Note: The above section was automatically generated and is based on data from the GEM April 2024 Global Coal Mine Tracker dataset. Background The Sukuma Coal Mine is a proposed project in Gauteng, South Africa.. The mine is owned by Canyon Coal. Owner: Canyon Coal; Parent company: Canyon Coal; Location: Gauteng, South Africa; …

Mine Overseer Jobs

Mechanised Shift Supervisor: 5 years (Preferred) License/Certification: Blasting Certificate of Competency (Preferred) Mine Overseer Certificate of Competency (Preferred) Valid First Aid Certificate (Preferred) Mine Overseer jobs now available. Mine Overseer, Engineer, Mining Engineer and more on Indeed.

The impact of acid mine drainage in South Africa

The mining of coal exposes iron sulphides to oxygen and water, leading to generation of acid mine drainage (AMD) which can cause serious environmental impacts by increasing SO4 2-, metals and ...

South Africa's abandoned mines endanger local communities

Carolina is among hundreds of communities in South Africa that are threatened by unmaintained coal mines. HRW reported that of roughly 6,000 abandoned coal mines in South Africa, at least 2,322 are classified as "high risk" to the public. But only 27 of these have been cleaned since 2009, South Africa's auditor general reported …

Rivers near Congo copper and cobalt mines are toxic, …

River water near some of Democratic Republic of Congo's biggest copper and cobalt mines is toxic and may be causing widespread health problems. Scientists from Congo's University of Lubumbashi ...

As South Africa Clings to Coal, A Struggle for the Right to …

Living between two coal mines and a landfill in Middelburg, South Africa, he and his family breathed some of the country's most polluted air. When Mnguni's son developed symptoms of asthma, a doctor recommended that the family move to a different part of town. Now living about six miles from the mines, the 14-year-old is doing better.

Coal transitions in South Africa

However, overall, coal production in the NDC scenario declines by 1.1% per year between 2017 and 2050 in a least cost energy pathway for South Africa. This points that there is a need for planning for South Africa's due to the relative economics of new supply options alone. Even with limited implementation of climate change policy, coal is no ...

Crocodile River Mine Near Rustenburg, South Africa | The …

The Crocodile River Mine is located in the vicinity of Rustenburg, South Africa. It is an underground mining operation, characterized by its workings beneath the surface. The mine comprises a total of four shafts, which serve as access points for extracting resources. In terms of mining method, the Crocodile River Mine utilizes other open stope ...

Finding Solutions for South Africa's Coal-Fired Energy and …

In South Africa— [one of the world's most water-stressed countries] (%E2%80%99s-36-most-water-stressed-countries) and [one of the largest] () …

Crocodile River mine restart project, South Africa – update

Project Description. Eastplats envisages restarting mining operations at its flagship platinum group metals (PGMs) and chrome operations at the CRM that incorporates the Zandfontein, Crocette and ...

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