Crashworthiness of CFRP/aluminum alloy hybrid tubes under quasi-static

Fig. 1 shows the crushing processes of the CFRP/aluminum alloy hybrid tubes with the different cross sections under the axial quasi-static crushing. The values in the figure represent the crushing displacement. It can be seen that the failure modes are similar. The crushing process starts from the initial contact surface, and then come up …

Transition from buckling to progressive failure during quasi-static …

The quasi-static compression tests were carried out to characterise the damage and failure behaviours of the CF/EP composite sandwich panels. An MTS 810 material test system was used with a loading capacity of 250 kN. The displacement rate was set at 2.0 mm/min for all of the tests.

Cab Roof Strength Evaluation—Quasi-Static Loading Heavy Trucks

J2422_200312. This SAE Recommended Practice describes the test procedures for conducting quasi-static cab roof strength tests for heavy-truck applications. Its purpose is to establish recommended test procedures which will standardize the procedure for heavy trucks. Descriptions of the test set-up, test instrumentation, …

Crushing analysis and multi-objective optimization of a …

The deformation by finite element simulation is in agreement with that by experiment, according to the results of simulation, the crashworthy driver's cab absorbs 2321.13 kJ energy in the quasi-static crushing load, and the percent of the first part, the second part and the third part is 17.86%, 81.28%, 0.86%, respectively, which also shows ...

Crashworthiness analysis of novel cactus-inspired multi-cell …

CBT-N6 was tested under quasi-static experiments to validate the numerical model. The deformation process of the CBT-N6 under the quasi-static test is presented in Fig. 5 a (Detailed crushing process and multiperspective observations of CBT-N6 are shown in Video S1, Supplementary Materials). The CBT-N6 demonstrates a sequential …

(PDF) Crushing performance of auxetic tubes under quasi-static …

In quasi-static loading, they discovered that auxetic re-entrant structures have a greater peak force and force-crushing efficiency than non-auxetic structures [6]. Even though there are studies ...

Crushing performance of auxetic tubes under quasi …

The results illustrate that the auxetic tubes showed a significant increase in SEA, CFE and EA parameters compared to non-auxetic conventional structures. …

Quasi-static axial crushing of single wall corrugated …

Abstract. The axial crushing of the single wall corrugated paperboard is explored experimentally and analytically. Quasi-static compression experiment is conducted of the single wall corrugated paperboard, and a typical folding element is suggested based on the selection principle of the unit, including two corner elements and …

Axial quasi-static crushing of composite tubes: An …

Jackson A, Dutton S, Gunnion AJ, et al. Investigation into laminate design of open carbon-fibre/epoxy sections by quasi-static and dynamic crushing. Compos Struct 2011; 93: 2646–2654. Crossref. ISI. Google Scholar. 26. Farley GL. The effects of crushing speed on the energy-absorption capability of composite tubes.

Quasi-static compression and dynamic crushing behaviors …

The quasi-static compression and dynamic crushing behaviors of VSHCS are investigated through simulation and theoretical analysis. To clarify the deformation mechanisms, the deformation modes, structure effect, stress-strain curves, and energy-absorption ability are comprehensively examined under different velocities. The VSHCS …

Crashworthiness design and experimental …

Key words: collision post structure; subway cab cars; crashworthiness; quasi-static test. Cite this article as: XING Jie, XU Ping, ZHAO Hui, YAO Shu-guang, WANG Qian-xuan, …

Crashworthiness study of tubular lattice structures based on …

Quasi-static axial crushing tests were carried out on TPMS-T specimens fabricated in Section 2.2 using an MTS E45 machine with a 10 kN load cell based on the ASTM D695-15 standard. The specimen was placed between two flat platens, as shown in Fig. 6 (a), and the axial crushing test was performed at a loading rate of 20 mm/min …

A Collision Dynamics Model of a Multi-Level Train

typically crush at the front end of the train [5]. This crushing may then lead to override of the cab car, derailment of the trucks, or saw-tooth buckling between cars. In this crash, however, the cab car buckled at the back stairwell, crushing there instead of at the front of the car. Figure 1 shows the buckled back end of the cab car.

quasi static crushing cab trucks

Two full-scale quasi-static roof crush tests were performed on the exemplar cab structures at Exponent's Test and Engineering Center in Phoenix. Each test consisted of mounting the cab in a static test fixture and crushing the cab with a rigid steel platen. The cabs were instrumented to record reaction forces, deformations, and strains, and the

Quasi-static crushing behavior of novel re-entrant circular auxetic

The crushing velocity of V = 1 m/s is lower than the steady-shock velocity v s, so we assumed that this load can be regarded as quasi-static crushing load. Fig. 6 shows the FE simulated deformation patterns of the REC honeycomb with different geometrical parameters at different strain levels under the crushing velocity of V = 1 m/s …

Crushing analysis and multi-objective optimization of a …

A quasi-static compression test was conducted to observe the deformation of the structure. The crushing machine used for quasi-static compression test is shown in Fig. 2. It consists of an upper indenter, four vertical guide columns and a bottom supporting platform; the upper indenter is driven by a hydraulic press through four vertical guide ...

Cab Roof Strength Evaluation

J2422. This SAE Recommended Practice describes the test procedures for conducting quasi-static cab roof strength tests for heavy-truck applications. Its purpose is to establish recommended test procedures which will standardize the procedure for heavy trucks. Descriptions of the test set-up, test instrumentation, photographic/video …

Cab Roof Strength Evaluation—Quasi-Static Loading …

J2422_201002. This SAE Recommended Practice describes the test procedures for conducting quasi-static cab roof strength tests for heavy-truck applications. Its purpose …

(PDF) Heavy Truck Roll Cage Effectiveness

The same cab is often utilized independent of what the rest of the truck application may be. However, the strengthen of the cabs has been found to be …

A Simulation Strategy on the Quasi-Static Axial …

Based on the code LS-DYNA, the simulation strategy on the quasi-static crushing process of composite tubes is studied by conducting two series of comparison …

Solved Consider a large truck carrying a heavy load, such as

Consider a large truck carrying a heavy load, such as steel beams. A significant hazard for the driver is that the load may slide forward, crushing the cab, if the truck stops suddenly in an accident or even in braking. Assume, for example, that a 10 000-kg load sits on the flatbed of a 20 000-kg truck moving at 12.0 m/s.

Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Quasi-Static Crushing

Lowe et al. found that the dynamic crushing load is higher than the static crushing load, based on the experimental test results for car models. Nagasawa et al. [ 15, 16, 17 ] carried out a quasi-static crushing test for hull and bridge models, in order to estimate the impact load and internal absorbed energy for the case of a collision ...

Cab Roof Strength Evaluation—Quasi-Static Loading Heavy Trucks

J2422_201002. This SAE Recommended Practice describes the test procedures for conducting quasi-static cab roof strength tests for heavy-truck applications. Its purpose is to establish recommended test procedures which will standardize the procedure for heavy trucks. Descriptions of the test set-up, test instrumentation, …

A crushing analysis and multi-objective optimization of thin …

The maximum Specific Energy Absorption (SEA), minimum Initial Peak Crushing Force (IPCF) under quasi-static axial compression test at the rate of 10 mm/min, and thickness and height parameters of the thin-walled cylinder and length of the inner square's sides were considered the design variables to achieve the optimal state. In the …

Energy absorption characteristics of TPMS-filled square …

Quasi-static axial crushing tests were carried out on ST, TPMS lattice and TPMS-filled tube specimens using the MTS E45 machine with a 300 kN load cell. The experimental setup was shown in Fig. 7(a), where the specimen was positioned between two flat platens. During the axial crushing test, the top flat platen was compressed downward with ...

Quasi-static crushing behavior of novel circular double …

The quasi-static crushing responses of CDAHs with different values of short inclined wall angle θ 1 are depicted in Fig. 16. For the L- and U-type CDAH specimens, θ 1 is increased from 20° to 40° with an interval of 5°; due to geometrical constraints (refer to Eq. (2)), θ 1 of F-type CDAH is from 22° to 38° with an interval of 4°.

Quasi-static axial crushing of thin-walled tubes with a kite …

Numerical simulation of the quasi-static axial crushing of the new device shows that a smooth and high reaction force curve can be achieved in comparison with those of conventional square tubes ...

Quasi-static axial crushing and transverse bending of

Liu et al. (2014) studied the crushing load response of CFRP double-hat tubes in axial quasi-static crushing and found that thickness has a significant effect on energy absorption and failure mode ...

Axial quasi-static crushing of composite tubes: An …

Quasi-static tests are performed by crushing the composite tubes using an inwards crusher plug, an outwards crusher plug and crushing by only flat platens of the …

Parametric analysis of composite sinusoidal specimens under quasi …

ABSTRACT This paper aims to build the finite element model of the composite sinusoidal specimens and to carry out the parametric analysis. In this paper, the damage behaviour and the energy-absorbing results of composite sinusoidal specimens have been studied by quasi-static crushing experiments. The failure mechanisms of specimens …

Quasi-Static and Dynamic Axial Crushing of Various …

Quasi-static axial crushing tests have been carried out on thin-walled top-hat and double-hat mild steel spot-welded sections. Several post-test collapse modes were identified for the structures ...

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