Sustainable Utilisation of Quarry Dust Waste in Concrete: Strength …

The compressive strength of cubes at 28 day curing for control mixture of 1:3:6 at 0% partial replacement of river sand with quarry dust was 12.6N/mm 2 but compressive strengths of 21.5 N/mm 2 and ...

Effect of Size and Content of Coarse Aggregate on the Compressive

As it can be easily seen, the increase of b (i.e. the increase of the percentage by volume of coarse aggregates in the granular skeleton) results in an increase of the concrete compressive ...

Properties of cold bonded quarry dust coarse aggregates and …

The cube compressive strength of the concrete having a water cement ratio of 0.45 and coarse aggregate to total aggregate ratio of 0.65 is determined and is given in Fig 6. The cube compressive strength of concrete having a cement content of 250 kg/m 3 is found to be between 20 MPa and 28 MPa.

Mechanical Analysis of Concrete Using Over-burnt …

The coarse aggregate comes from the disintegration of volcanic rock, extracted naturally from boulders, or crushed by machinery, classified by ASTM C33 [7] in diameter greater than 4.75mm, ideal for the preparation of concrete. For this study, coarse aggregate was obtained from the quarry located in the district of Huamancaca


In this study, we are working on the valorisation of gold mining waste as coarse aggregates in concrete. For this, we replaced the gneiss aggregates with the gold mining waste in percentages of 25 ...

Assessing Structural Performance of Ceramic Waste as …

concrete was produced with (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 100) percent volume ceramic waste aggregate replacement for crushed granite at a constant water-cement ratio of 0.5. Concrete cubes



Use of waste glass as aggregate and cement …

researchers have studied the use of waste glass larger than 4.75 mm as coarse aggregate replacement in concrete since the 1960s. Use of coarse glass aggregate reduced compressive strength as content increased, and mixed results were reported on the effect of glass aggregates on the workability of concrete due to the

Quarry Waste

This chapter discusses the use of quarry waste as cement and aggregate replacement, discussing the effects on fresh and hardened properties as well as durability of concrete, …

Investigations on carbon-sequestration optimization …

Recycled coarse-aggregate (RCA) derived from waste concrete can be re-used for concrete preparation, which is now limited due to its drawbacks such as micro …

Potential of dolomite industrial waste as construction material…

Dolomite aggregate waste particle had a coarse porous surface that absorbs more water in the mix, which may also be a reason for the poor workability in fresh dolomite aggregate concrete. ... 10, 15, and 20%, respectively. The dolomite crushed sand concrete compressive strength was found 38.1, 39.0, 41.3, 43.3, and 44.9 (MPa), …

Influence of Quarry Dust on Compressive Strength of Concrete

Abstract. Objectives: In the present study, by-product of stone crushed, quarry dust is replaced as a fine aggregate with 20%, 30%, 40%, 50% replacement. Methods/Analysis: The fine aggregate is ...

Comparative study on strengthening of concrete using granite waste

2.4. Granite Aggregates. The main objective of the present study is just to compare the strength of the material to different grades of concrete by replacing basalt aggregates with granite chips. Initially, the granite sizes were available from 40 mm to 80 mm, so it was crushed manually to 20 mm-12.5 mm downsize.


The flexural strength results were found in the range of 8.699 MPa to 10.368 MPa for 7 days and it is from 13.945 MPa to 18.015 MPa for 28 days. From the results, it was observed that, the tile aggregate concrete can produce strength results similar to that of conventional aggregate concrete for both at 7 and 28 days.

Partial Replacement of Coarse Aggregate with Waste Glass in Concrete …

The combination of waste glass and granite were used as co arse aggregate at 0%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30% and 35% . The mixing was done on a dry, clean and hard surface. The fresh mixture was cast ...

Compressive strength studies of concrete with partial …

The compressive strength tests for concrete curing ages 7-day and 28-day were determined, respectively. Workability decreased as cement and fine aggregate replacement increased. The experimental investigation concluded that up to 20% of fine aggregate and 15% of cement replacement with ISW rendered better concrete strength.

Strength and durability of concrete by partial

Comparing to normal concrete the compressive strength is increased 29.25% with 10% of Fly ash for 56 days. ... 15%, 20%, and 25% of Fly Ash in the combined mix. PPC Cement, Fly Ash, Quarry Dust, Fine Aggregate, Coarse Aggregate, Water, and Conplast SP 430 were utilised in this study. ... Effect of industrial waste on strength …

Evaluation of Compressive Strength of Concrete …

The average compressive strength of laterized concrete was found to be 29.05 N/mm 2 a value lower than the average value of 40 N/mm 2. The compressive strength obtained by concrete replacing ordinary sand …

Properties of cold bonded quarry dust coarse aggregates

Additionally, the compressive strength of C-FA aggregate concrete was found to be higher than those with similar percentage of aggregate replacement, but more cement content reported in the ...

Effect of replacing natural sand by quarry waste sand …

Five mixes with replacement ratios of 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and of ordinary coarse aggregates (OCA) by recycled concrete aggregates (RCA) were …

Effects of Waste Powder, Fine and Coarse Marble …

Effects of Waste Powder, Fine and Coarse Marble Aggregates on Concrete Compressive Strength. November 2022. Sustainability 14 (21):14388. DOI: …


2.3 Mix proportions The mix proportion of 1:1.23:2.64 (cement: fine aggregate: coarse aggregate) by weight was arrived for M20 concrete with the conventional aggregates.

Effects of Waste Powder, Fine and Coarse Marble …

compressive strength and the test parameters for each and every form of marble waste (powder, fine and coarse aggregate). The study indicated that independent from the form of marble wastes (as powder, fine aggregate or coarse aggregate), aggregate replacements of up to 50% can yield to significant changes in the concrete …


An experimental study had been conducted to study the effects of using waste Shabath stone in the place of coarse aggregate by partial replacement in various percentages such as 10, 20, 30 and 40 ...

Use of quarry waste in concrete and cementitious mortars

Research have proven that incorporating very fine waste quarry particles in the range of 10%–20% ( Rathore et al., 2020) of the total fine aggregate content of a concrete mixture can increase the 28-day compressive, tensile, and splitting tensile strength of concrete. Researchers agree that waste quarry dust at 20% ( Imran and …

Effect of Waste Glass as Partial Replacement for Coarse Aggregate in

In our study, in which waste glass (WG) is considered as coarse aggregates in the concrete, WG was used reduced to 4–16 mm in proportions of 0–60% in the production of PKÇ/B 32.5/R type cement.

Utilisation of Waste Plastics as a Partial Replacement of Coarse

Vanitha et al., [6], investigated the use of plastic waste as a substitute for coarse aggregate in M20 concrete grade using 0-10% replacement with a 2% increment. The optimal concrete compressive ...

Behavior of Concrete Using Marble Waste as Coarse Aggregate

with GBFS as fine aggregate and marble was te a s coarse aggregate was 6 .14%, 7.25%, 5.72% and 3.04%,respectively higher than t hat of concrete with river sand as fine aggregat e. and marble ...

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