the flash smelting plant, process and equipment

The effectivity of present copper smelting technologies have their roots in industrial and laboratory-scale experience accumulated over the past decades. Since early '60s, the tools for improving the processing conditions and smelting vessel design included scale modelling and manual computing of homogeneous multicomponent equilibria. The …

Options for Concentrate Drying Technologies when …

There are several drying technologies available for drying copper concentrate, varying from direct heated rotary dryers and flash dryers to indirect …

Working principle of steam dryer

Working principle of steam dryer. Steam dryer is one of the core equipment for smelting material preparation in flash furnace. Copper concentrate with higher moisture content is dried by steam dryer to obtain copper concentrate with lower moisture content, and the dried copper concentrate is transported To the flash furnace reaction tower. The ...

The Beneficial Effects of Feeding Dry Copper …

content of a copper concentrate has an adverse effect on the smelting process. Different drying technologies, such as directly heated rotary dryers, flash dryers, and steam …

Recent Improvements in the Kumera Steam Dryer

smelter to supplement the existing flash dryer. This installation is notable for three reasons: it is the first non-Japanese steam dryer for copper concentrates in Japan and the first …

Rotary Dryers

Benefits of Drying Copper Concentrates Infographic. Metallurgical Coke Dryer and Bucket Elevators Project Profile. Single Pass vs Triple Pass Rotary Dryer. Rotary Dryer (Drier) …

The Beneficial Effects of Feeding Dry Copper …

The Kumera steam dryer is a rotary-type dryer.3 It was developed for copper-concentrate drying. One of its key features and advantages is the rotation of the steam-tube package together with the rotary drum. The structural properties of the dryer improve water evaporation and eliminate tube wear.

The Beneficial Effects Of Feeding Dry Copper Concentrate …

Keywords: copper, concentrate drying, steam dryer, dryers By placing additional demands on energy and gas flow, the moisture content of a copper concentrate has an adverse effect on the smelting process. Different drying technologies, such as directly heated rotary dryers, flash dryers, and steam dryers, are available to solve this …

Drying Technology of Copper Concentrate for Flash …

This paper introduces the copper concentrate drying technology in Flash Smelting processes,and compares characteristic and application status between the flash dryer and steam dryer,the result makes know that the steam dryer has evident advantage in terms of equipment investment,energy consumption and environment protection,it is provided with …

Flash Dryers – DryTech International

Materials processed: copper and nickel concentrates, platinum concentrate, chrome sands, tin concentrate, cobalt hydroxide, kaolin, calcium hypochlorite, lime, gold tailings, …

Free Full-Text | Copper Flash Smelting Process Balance Modeling …

The flash smelting entails blowing a well-dispersed mixture of oxygen, air, dried concentrate, and flux into a hot (1300 °C) reaction shaft through the concentrated burner. Under these conditions, the fine concentrate particles of the concentrates react rapidly with the oxygen from the blast in the reaction shaft.

Indirect Drying of Copper Concentrate in a …

was used to si mulate the drying of copper concentrate in a. continuous indirect rotating-coil dryer located at a Chilean. industrial copper smelter. The dryer consists of a 8.48 m lo ng. pan with ...

Process description and optimization of the flash …

the two identical flash dryers can be fed from six silos by the flash dryer feed conveyor. From the flash dryers concentrate is transported pneumatically to a 3 000-ton dry concentrate storage silo. The reason for the increased focus on the flash dryers is the fact that the furnace has been operating close to its design capacity, and smelts 90 ...

Moisture effect on the combustion of a single copper …

The content of moisture in concentrate, which is left from the flotation stage, has adverse effects on the flash smelting process quality. Thus, copper concentrate enters the dryer before being charged to the flash furnace and the moisture content of the concentrate is reduced from 7%–10% to less than 0.3%.

Attrition Flash Dryers

Key Advantages. Typical Applications. Improve your efficiency today and minimize downtime. Contact Us. Attrition Flash Dryers combine drying and final grind in a single …

Copper Sulphide Concentrate Drying

We produce a sulphide copper concentrate at moistures ranging from 11-13% on average but require a moisture of no more than 10.6% for shipment (and of course would like to achieve even lower moistures in order to save on shipping costs). ... Feeding the drum dryer with concentrate in counter-current of hot airflow will improve significantly the ...

Steam Dryer – Kumera – Creating Efficiency | Kumera …

Kumera Steam Dryer is a patented solution for drying copper concentrates and other abrasive materials. The construction has unique features, which allow high availability …

The Copper Flash CC Smelting Process :: Total Materia Article

The production of copper in the flash smelting process is accompanied with a large amount of copper-rich slag, which has to be treated with the aim of copper recovery. Copper flash smelting consists of blowing fine, dried copper sulphide concentrate and silica flux with air, oxygen-enriched air or oxygen blast into a hot (≈1500K) hearth-type ...

Dynamic modeling of copper flash smelting process at a

1. Introduction. The flash smelting process is widely used throughout the world for copper production, accounting for about 50% of global capacity for primary copper production [1].A Copper Smelter in China has operated an Outotec type flash smelter for about 30 years.Due to the sources of clean deposits are progressively depleted, the …

Method for drying copper sulfide concentrates

The copper concentrate was previously dried in a gas suspension or fluid bed dryer by contact with nitrogen gas that was a byproduct from the oxygen plants utilized to support the smelter. ... Rotatoty dryer for copper concentrate US6270555B1 (en) * : : ... Flash smelting copper concentrates: JPH06502220A (en) …

Rotary Dryers Meet Demand for Drying Copper …

Drying is a critical part of the smelting process, particularly as flash smelters continue to gain market share as a preferred approach to smelting. Rotary dryers, with …

Comparison of environmental performance of modern copper …

The total energy demand of the treatment at constant copper grade of 27% Cu in the concentrate as function of treatment capacity is shown in Fig. 2. Fig. 3 shows the climate change as carbon dioxide equivalent per ton of produced copper in blister as function of concentrate treatment capacity with constant copper grade in the …

How to choose a good copper concentrate dryer …

Copper concentrate is a kind of metallic substance, usually purple-red in color, with excellent electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, etc. It is mainly used to smelt copper and has a wide…

flash dryer for copper concentrate – Grinding Mill China

… in recent years some manufacturers began to use spin flash dryer to dry some of concentrates … for drying of copper concentrate in detail studied. Dryer … » More detailed. Flash dryer contract marks movement into copper sector by … designed flash dryers for copper-sulphide concentrates in the platinum industry. "These are currently ...

Process description and optimization of the flash dryers …

identical flash dryers can be fed from six silos. From the flash dryers concentrate is transported pneumatically to a 3 000-ton dry concentrate storage silo. The flash dryers are rated at a nominal 66 tph of dry concentrate at 14% moisture, while the furnace can smelt 90 tph of dry concentrate. Therefore both flash dryers are required to operate

The Beneficial Effects of Feeding Dry Copper Concentrate to …

By using different types of dryer which are rotary, steam and flash dryers, the result are produced and we can compare which dryers are the best. It was found by the author of the article stated that rotary dryer and flash dryer requires constant maintanance which increase overall cost.

Rotary Dryers

Benefits of Drying Copper Concentrates Infographic. Metallurgical Coke Dryer and Bucket Elevators Project Profile. Single Pass vs Triple Pass Rotary Dryer. Rotary Dryer (Drier) for Coke Drying. Sand Dryers (Driers) Co-Current Vs Counter Current Rotary Drum Dryers (Driers) Rotary Dryer (Drier) with Combustion Chamber for Centrifuged Material

Options for Concentrate Drying Technologies when Designing a Copper …

There are several drying technologies available for drying copper concentrate, varying from direct heated rotary dryers and flash dryers to indirect heated steam dryers. Application of steam dryers has changed the drying process for copper smelters. Produced from a waste heat boiler, steam as heating medium enables plant …

Drying Copper Concentrates

Rotary dryers offer an excellent industrial drying solution for copper smelters looking to reap the benefits of drying. Their heavy-duty construction and high-capacity throughput are ideal for copper processing settings. Additionally, … See more

Recent Improvements in the Kumera Steam Dryer

smelter to supplement the existing flash dryer. This installation is notable for three reasons: it is the first non-Japanese steam dryer for copper concentrates in Japan and the first Kumera steam dryer outside Europe; also, at 160 t/h of wet concentrate, it has double the capacity of the first three dryers.

Fluid bed dryer efficient with abrasive copper concentrate

Thermally efficient dryers were needed to remove 11-12% moisture from very fine (70%, -325 mesh), copper concentrate at Asarco, Inc., in Hayden, AZ. More than 128 t/hr of the wet, dust-like material produced by the copper mine's grinders had to be made bone dry (0.1% moisture) before being fed to a flash smelting furnace.

Mineral Drying

Mineral Drying. This article was co-authored by: Drying is a critical aspect of mineral processing; throughout the journey from ore to end product, the ability to control moisture content helps to reduce shipping costs, streamline downstream processing, and produce a refined product. While mineral dryers may appear the same as other industrial ...


Outotec Flash Converting to process over 1 million tonnes of copper concentrate pe r year, while achieving the lowest emission rate of any copper Smelter (1. 76 kg SO 2 /tonnes Cu in 2009 and 1.65 ...

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