Conversion Factors and the Specific Gravity of Minerals

1 ρ × m = Vρ × 1 ρ = V (2) V = m × 1 ρ (3) If the measurement is made at 25 ° C, the volume is calculated from the density of water (found in tables like the one below): V = m ρ = 15.157 g 0.9970479 g/cm^3 = 15.202 cm3. Note that the SG is relative to water at a particular temperature, which must be specified.

What is the specific gravity of iron ore?

The iron ores were classi- fied into hard massive, flaky-friable, blue dust and lateritic ores (Table 1). The hard massive ores are grey in colour and lumpy in nature and are partly laminated. Bulk density of these ores varies between 2.1 and 2.9 and the specific gravity ranges from 3.4 to 4.7.

Searching for Iron Ore – Student Booklet

Set up. 1) Place the minerals/magnetic materials in the opaque tray (to represent magnetic ore). 2) Mark the sides of the box North, South, East, and West. 3) Make a "buried treasure" map of your model using graph paper, ensuring it …

Mineral Deposit Value

Specific Gravity: the density of the ore body (i.e., the rock) – 2.5; ... To find out how I come up with the numbers 2,204.62262 and 34.2857, I recommend you to read the break even analysis page, on which I explained How to Calculate the Cut Off Grade. 4. Convert the Pounds and Ounces to the Corresponding Metal Value




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Specific gravity values of three different iron ore slimesresearchgateGravity Concentration

WEBMinerals can usually be identified by their specific gravity (SG). Because samples of the same mineral may appear quite different, as these samples of cinnabar show, a quantitative, objective measurement …


Gravity separation of two minerals, with different specific gravity, is carried out by their relative movement is response to force of gravity and one or more other forces. Normally one of the forces is the resistance to motion by a viscous fluid e.g. water. So, besides the specific gravity the factors

Specific gravity values of three different iron ore slimes

It contains 38.9% Fe, 42.32% SiO 2 and 1.03% Al 2 O 3, which was subjected to tabling followed by wet high intensity magnetic separator (WHIMS) and Multi gravity separator (MGS). The magnetic ...


gravity highs, whereas deposits of low-density halite, weathered kimberlite, and diatomaceous earth yield gravity lows. The gravity method also enables a prediction of …

lelation Between Specific ;ravity and Iron Content

The use of specific gravity in determining the grade of iron ore is not a new procedure. Eckel (1910, p. 38) pointed out the approxi­ mate correlation between specific gravity of …

How To Determine Density In Iron Ore

How do you find specific gravity of Iron ore . Specific gravity is equal to the density of the iron ore divided by the density of water. The densities change with temperature, so I will assume a temperature of 4 ...

Iron (Fe) Ore | Minerals, Occurrence » Geology Science

Hematite is hard and relatively dense, with a specific gravity ranging from 4.9 to 5.3. Magnetite (Fe3O4): Magnetite is another important iron ore mineral, known for its magnetic properties. It is usually black or …


gravity highs, whereas deposits of low-density halite, weathered kimberlite, and diatomaceous earth yield gravity lows. The gravity method also enables a prediction of the total anomalous mass (ore tonnage) responsible for an anomaly. Gravity and magnetic (discussed below) methods detect only lateral contrasts in density or magnetization ...

Minerals and other Materials

86 rowsGold ore: 2.9: Granite: 2.7: Graphite: 1.8: Gravel: 2.7: Gypsum: CaSO 4.2H 2 O: 2.3: Gypsum rock: 2.7: Hematite: Fe 2 O 3: 5.2 - 5.3: Illite: complex: 2.6 - 2.86: Ilmenite: 4.3: Iron ore: 4.0: K Feldspar: KAlSi 3 O 8: 2.54 - 2.57: Kaolinite: Al 2 Si 2 O 5 (OH) 4: 2.61 - …

Materials Science Toolkit | Reade

These conversion resources are designed to help with shape conversions to ensure proper measurement. Measurement and conversion charts guide you in selecting the best products for your applications. This material science toolkit will …

Platinum | Earth Sciences Museum

Diagnostic properties: Platinum is a metallic white to silver-gray colour. Its streak is a shiny silver-gray. Crystals, if found, tent to be distorted cubes. Platinum has a very high specific gravity. Pure platinum would have a SG of 21.4 however impurities commonly lower this number to a value of 14 to 19 units.

Specific Gravity and its Relationship to Chemical Composition in Iron Ore

This paper describes the results of investigations into the relationship between specific gravity and chemical composition in the Cockatoo Island orebody, In the early investigations the samples were classified into groups according to porosity. This resulted in high, medium and low porosity groups, the latter being further subdivided into ore and …

how to find out specific gravity of iron ore

lelation Between Specific ;ravity and Iron Content. The use of specific gravity in determining the grade of iron ore is not a new procedure. Eckel (1910, p. 38) pointed out the approxi­ mate correlation between specific gravity of …

What is specific gravity of ore? – Heimduo

How to calculate specific gravity of iron related to water? For the calculation, the density of the material and that of the water must be expressed in the same units. Example 1: Calculate the specific gravity of iron. The density of iron is 7850 kg/m 3. The specific gravity of iron-related to water is calculated as follows: Hence, the …

Specific gravity & bulk density

The specific gravity or bulk density of rock is essential information for ore reserve calculations. Often, bulk density of rocks is determined using the water displacement method soon after drilling. This can be more …

What has the highest specific gravity?

Best Answer. On Earth, the material Osmium has the highest density at 22.59 g/cm3 and hence the highest specific gravity (as specific gravity is the density of a material relative to a reference ...

Gold in Quartz

The steps are -. Weigh the rock and record the dry weight. Partially fill the water container with water and mark the level at the top. Place the rock specimen in the container. Mark the new level of the water on the side of …

AMIT 145: Lesson 4 Gravity Separation – Mining Mill …

To allow density' based separations, a centrifugal field is applied by either a mechanical action or by accelerating the particles around a rotational axis. Particle acceleration is given by: ac = rw2. r = radial distance from center of rotation. ω = angular velocity, (rad/s) The centrifugal force, Fc, is given by:

How do you find specific gravity of Iron ore?

Specific gravity is equal to the density of the iron ore divided by the density of water. The densities change with temperature, so I will assume a temperature of 4 degrees C for this calculation ...

Density vs. Specific Weight and Specific Gravity

Example 4: Specific Gravity of Iron. The density of iron is 7850 kg/m 3 . The specific gravity of iron related to water with density 1000 kg/m 3 is. SG (iron) = 7850 [kg/m 3] / 1000 [kg/m 3 ] = 7.85. Example 5: Specific Weight of Water. The density of water is 1000 kg/m3 at 4 °C (39 °F).

Specific Gravity Calculator | Formula | Definition

To calculate the specific gravity of a substance, follow these easy steps: Isolate a known volume of the substance: V. Use a scale to measure the mass of that …

lelation Between Specific ;ravity and Iron Content

The use of specific gravity in determining the grade of iron ore is not a new procedure. Eckel (1910, p. 38) pointed out the approxi­ mate correlation between specific gravity of the Alabama iron ores and their iron content. Feld, Coe, and Coghill (1946) devised a rapid specific-gravity method for estimating the iron content of powdered

How To Identify Your Rock: Beginners Guide To …

Add water to the cup and set it on the scale. Tare the scale so the reading is no 0.0g. Either tie your string/wire or bend your paperclip around the sample to hold it firmly. Hold the sample in the water with …

Improving Rheology, Slurryability and Stability of Iron Ore

3.1.3 Specific Gravity. Iron ore samples I1, I2, and I3 have a specific gravity of (sim ) 4.72, 4.70 and 4.65, respectively. The observation found that the finer ore sample has high specific gravity than the coarser ore sample. Hooper and Welch reported that the coarser particle has less specific gravity than concerning finer particle …

How to Calculate Specific Gravity.

The specific gravity has no unit because the units of the numerator and the denominator are the same. Formula to calculate specific gravity. Example: The density of liquid X is 21g/ml while the density of pure water at 4°C is 1g/ml. Determine the specific gravity of liquid X. Therefore, the specific gravity of liquid X is 21. Prev Article.

1.7: Density and specific gravity measurements

The density of water is 1.0 g/mL at room temperature, so the specific gravity is equal to the density of the object expressed without a unit. When substances dissolve in water, the density of the solution is usually different from pure water. For example, the density of whole blood for humans is ~1.060 g/mL. The density of urine varies in the ...

How to Find and Determine the Specific Gravity …

Measure the increase in volume caused by the dry solids displacing some of the water. Assume the new volume is 550 c.c. The displacement, then, is 50 c.c. (550-500). Divide the weight of the dry …

List Table of Specific Gravity of Minerals

This table of various minerals (ore, rock types) listed by their tested SG specific gravity complements the BWi List found in earlier post. Source 1: Table of materials reported by Fred Bond Source 2: Outokumpu, The science of comminution Source 3: Equipment and pipelines Source 4: Tenova Bateman mills (AG/SAG, Rod, Ball …

I think I found a meteorite. How can I tell for sure?

Density: Meteorites are usually quite heavy for their size, since they contain metallic iron and dense minerals. Magnetic: Since most meteorites contain metallic iron, a magnet will often stick to them. For "stony" meteorites, a magnet might not stick, but if you hang the magnet by a string, it will be attracted.

(PDF) The Use of Process Analysis and Simulation to

The gravity circuits of the two studied iron ore concentrators are similar to the circuit shown in Figure 2 . Detailed sampli ng campaigns were cond ucted on the

Calculation of Ore Tonnage & Grade from Drill hole Samples

The standard method of making these estimates is to find the cubic contents of triangular prisms, in the apexes of which the drill holes are placed, by multiplying the surface area by the average depth of the ore in the three drill holes and then multiplying the cubic contents by the specific gravity of the ore or rock to find the tonnage.


Gravity separation is an industrial method o f separating two components, either in suspension, o r in. dry condition, from a granular mixture differen t specific weights. The process of ...

How to Measure Specific Gravity of Minerals & Is It …

The most common equation for the specific gravity (SG) of a mineral is this: It's pretty simple to work out: 1. Weigh the mineral in air (literally put in on the scales like normal) 2. Suspend the mineral in water for the second weighing. Legend has it that is was Archimedes who discovered that the weight of the mineral in air minus its weight ...

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