SAG mill optimisation and increasing throughput at the Phu ...

Ausenco Services Pty Ltd (Ausenco), was engaged to help optimise and enhance the productivity of the Phu Kham comminution circuit over an eight-month period. The work involved participating in and overseeing the redesign of the SAG mill liner systems and developing operational strategies for maximising throughput through to the end of mine life.

SAG Mill Grinding Circuit Design - 911metallurgist

SAG circuits may employ low to relatively high ball charges (ranging from 2% to 22%, expressed as volumetric mill filling) to augment autogenous …

Model:Amelunxen SGI - SAGMILLING

Amelunxen SGI Model. This is a model that estimates the specific energy consumption of a SAG or AG mill plus ball mill circuit using the equation by Amelunxen (2014) for E SAG and the classical Bond work index equation for E ball substituting CF ball in the place of the Rowland efficiency factors.. The model requires manual calibration factors for both equations (CF SAG …

circuit perfomance for a sag mill -

circuit perfomance for a sag mill. ... The circuit comprises a SAG mill 12 m diameter by 61 m length belly inside liners the effective grinding volume two pebble crushers and two ball mills in parallel closed with cyclones The SAG mill is fitted with a 20 MW gearless drive motor with bidirectional rotational capacity.

optimization of sag mill circuit -

Optimizing Performance of SABC Comminution Circuit of … This included the benchmarking and optimization of the SABC comminution circuit, focusing on the primary SAG mill and secondary ball mill grinding mills, and estimating the outcomes of changes to circuit operating parameters e.g., feed rate, mill load, ball charge, etc..


CIRCUIT PERFORMANCE INTRODUCTION . ... AG/SAG mill and crusher circuit simulations through the use of JKSimMet. Independent of this it can be used in power-based calculations, which in conjunction with the Bond ball work index test, enable the prediction of the specific energy of comminution circuits

Optimizing your SAG mill operation - International Mining

The mill discharge from these mills consists of slurry, which goes to the ball mills for further grinding, and coarse pebbles/rocks, which are crushed and sent back to the mill. To maximize the capacity of these circuits, the general practice is to use grates with pebble ports (reaching 100 mm) instead of normal grate openings to increase the pebble removal.

Optimization and Performance of Grinding Circuits: The ...

the primary crusher performance and proper control of the ratios for the SAG mill feeders drawing the ore from the stockpile. The ball mill grinding efficiency was poor and could be indicated by the fraction < 125 µm of only 5-9 % or x. P, 80: >400 µm in the mill discharge. This was deemed due

circuit perfomance for a sag mill - Products

Performance Audit of a Semi-autogenous Grinding Mill Circuit. Jan 01, 2014· The paper proposes a novel performance audit report for a SAG Mill Circuit. The audit report is demonstrated on a validated run-of-mine ore grinding circuit model, which the authors have captured in a simulator, using Simulink.


Also, the mill load varied in the range of 125 to 165 tons. These disturbances propagated throughout the milling circuit and even to the flotation circuit. The Millstar Power Optimiser gave the following benefits: • Mill feed cuts were prevented, resulting in a stable mill loading. • No huge power dips occurred, since any sign of the mill

[PDF] Freda Rebecca sagmilling circuit optimization ...

Simulation work was carried out to analyze how feeding a finer size distribution to a single stage SAG mill in closed circuit with hydro cyclones at Freda Rebecca Gold Mine would affect through put and specific energy consumption using an Excel based milling process simulator developed by Hinde, a comminution specialist who has worked for Mintek for many years.

circuit perfomance for a sag mill -

sag mill circuit. startling effect of ball scats removal on sag mill performance Gekko. The circuit consists of a single stage, low aspect ratio diameter:length. = 0.5 mill, typical of the majority of SAG mills in the South African gold mining industry. Get Quote. Model Predictive Control of SAG Mills and Flotation Circuits Andritz .


SAG mill in closed circuit with hydro cyclones at Freda Rebecca Gold Mine would affect through put and specific energy consumption using an Excel based milling process simulator developed by Hinde, a comminution specialist who has worked for Mintek for many years.

circuit perfomance for a sag mill -

SAG mills in closed circuit with pebble fraction are more complicated than the single stage SAG mill operation because the coarse pebbles behave significantly different to that of slurry in pulp Performance of 26ft SAG mill with TPLTM The world s first installation of TPL™ was done in a 26ft diameter by 12.5ft EGL SAG mill at Cortez The range of mill sizes and versatile …

Mill Circuit Pump Manual

crushed ore is fed into a SAG/Ball mill circuit with a median size of approximately 12,000 microns. Most SAG Mills are operated in closed circuit with a screen. The screen fi lters undersized ore, normally minus ½ inch, to a ball mill discharge sump. The combined mill discharg-es are pumped to undergo classifi cation, normally via hydrocyclones.

AMIT 135: Lesson 6 Grinding Circuit – Mining Mill Operator ...

SAG Mill Circuit Example — Gold Processing SAG mill circuit example for gold processing [image: (135-6-3)] AG/SAG Mill. AG/SAG mills are normally used to grind run-off-mine ore or primary crusher product. Wet grinding in an AG/SAG mill is accomplished in a slurry of 50 to 80 percent solids. 2D and 3D simulations of particles in a SAG Mill

circuit perfomance for a sag mill - Felona

circuit perfomance for a sag mill; circuit perfomance for a sag mill. Customer satisfaction is the core of all our service. Request a quote. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipi scing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incidi dunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Circuit Perfomance For A Sag Mill -

Factors affecting sag mill perfomance get price mill grinding wikipedia.Sag is an acronym for semi-autogenous grinding sag mills are autogenous mills but use grinding balls like a ball mill a sag mill is usually a primary or first stage grinder sag mills use a ball charge of 8 to 21 the largest sag mill is 42 128m in diameter, powered by a 28 mw 38,000 hp motor.

circuit perfomance for a ball mill

circuit perfomance for a sag mill whitebearsbe. circuit perfomance for a sag mill causes of high current on sag mill motors Grinding Mill causes of high current on sag mill motors 47 4235 Ratings ] The Gulin product line, consisting of more than 30 machines, sets the standard for our industry We plan to help you meet your needs with ourget price

Correlation Between F80 and Mill Performance for a SAG ...

Tracking the mill performance showed that the mill power consumption decreased from 9.49 to 6.63 kWh/t (a nearly 30% reduction), P80 of the mill …

(PDF) Influence of feed size on AG / SAG mill performance

"Performance characteristics and optimisation of the Fimiston (KCGM) SAG mill circuit", Proc SAG '96, Vancouver, Vol 1 pp233-248. Tracking Hardness and …

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