Abu-Tartur phosphate mine is the largest phosphate mine in Egypt. The mine located adjacent to Abu Tartur plateau, some 50 Km to the west of El Kharga Oasis, Western Desert of Egypt (Figure 1). The estimated phosphate ore reserves in the area may reach up to billion tons. An extensive geological drilling exploration
1.1. The Mine: Abu-Tartur phosphate mine is the largest phosphate mine in Egypt. The mine located adjacent to Abu Tartur plateau, some 50 Km to the west of El Kharga Oasis, Western Desert of Egypt (Figure 1). The estimated phosphate ore reserves in the area may reach up to billion tons.
Three main phosphate ore mining zones can be differentiated in Egypt: (1) the area between El-Kharga and El-Dakhla Oases in the western desert, (2) the Nile valley near Idfu, and (3) the area along the red sea between Safaga and Quesir. ... Sedimentary Abu Tartur phosphate ore from Egypt contains relatively high concentrations of up to …
The mine has an estimated phosphate ore reserves of about 4 billion tons of medium to high quality phosphate rock ranging from 25% up to 31% P2O5 with an average of 27% P2O5. Misr Phosphate Company ( ) is the operator of the mine together with other major phosphate mines in Egypt (namely El Sebayah and Red Sea …
Sedimentary Abu Tartur phosphate ore from Egypt contains relatively high concentrations of up to 0.05-0.20 wt. % REEs [ 12 – 16 ], compared to those found in other
X-ray diffraction analysis (Fig. 1, original) indicates that the Abu- Tartour phosphate sample is composed of the following minerals: apatite minerals represent the main component, which are characterized by diffraction lines 2.78, 2.69, 2.61 and 3.44 Å.The main gangue minerals include calcite phase of strong diffraction line 3.03 Å and …
The optimum conditions for dissolution of phosphate ore by p. chrysogenum were 0.25 g ore per 50 ml of broth PVK medium, inoculated with spore suspension …
The main objective of this paper is to address the environmental issues that arise during the extraction of phosphate ore at Abu-Tartour mining area, Western desert, Egypt. Although the mine locates in the heart of the desert, the mining operations for ore extraction either from the underground mine, or from the surface mining work, do have several …
Chemical Composition of Abu Tartur Phosphate Ore: Abu Tartur phosphate ore is characterized by XRD (Figure1) which shows the presence of insoluble P R2 RO R5 R is 24.5 % and the other element presence in this ore is Ca 39.5 %, L.O.I.12.32 %, SiO R2 R with 7%, SO 5.07%, R 2Fe R O R 3 R with 6.6%, Al R2 RO R3 R 2.02%and other traces …
The constructed variogram and kriging models, as well as GIS-analysis, provide a clear understanding of all the elements distributed in the Abu Tartur phosphate ore and are very useful at the planning and mining stages. Purpose. This paper aims to estimate phosphate ore grade in the Abu Tartur area, Western Desert, Egypt, using four Machine Learning …
Three main phosphate ore mining 1 ... Sedimentary Abu Tartur phosphate ore from Egypt contains relatively high concentrations of up to 0.05-0.20 wt. % REEs [1216– ], compared to those found in ...
The obtained panel width (wall length) for Abu-Tartur area is calculated to be about 100m (102m) which differs strongly from the applied length in the area (150m).
components are dissolved in 700 ml bidistilled water and are sterilized by autoclave at 121oc for 15 min. Solution B; 44.2 g/l FeSO 4.7H 2 O is dissolved ... medium supplemented with 0.5 % w/v of Abu Tartur phosphate ore as main phosphorus source. Flasks of each sample were incubated for 7days at 30°C.The culture filtrate was centrifuged at ...
Spectral remote sensing mapping methods were applied for mapping apatite mineral as a key indicator of phosphate ore outcrops at the eastern side of Abu Tartur Plateau, Western Desert, Egypt ...
The objective of the present work, study all factors affecting on phosphate dissolution of Abu Tartur phosphate ore. The optimum conditions for dissolution of phosphate ore by p. chrysogenum were 0.25 g ore per 50 ml of broth PVK medium, inoculated with spore suspension 5.1x10 P P cfu/ml incubated for 4 days at 30° C, glucose and yeast were ...
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The optimum conditions of bioleaching of Abu Tartur phosphate ore were 7 days incubation period at glucose-yeast extract medium, 2x10 6 SFU of A.niger for 50 ml medium, 0.5% Abu Tartur phosphate ...
The phosphate beds are exceptionally developped at Abu Tartur where they represent a diastem surface (Hermina, 1974). The phosphate formation with total thickness between 17 and 57 m can be divided into three members: – the upper member, where shales and granular phosphate are cemented by carbonates,
Phosphate rock or pre-concentrated phosphate ore is an important raw material for the Egyptian economy with Egypt being the eighth largest phosphate …
Three main sites are promising for the phosphate mining, these are: 1) The Abu Tartour mine (with estimated reserves of 1 billion tons and up to 31% P 2 O 5); 2) The Sibaiya mine (with a reserve ...
According to MLA data, 32.78% of the mineral in ore is distributed into free particles, 22.29% into binary and 44.92% into …
The optimum conditions of Abu Tartur phosphate ore dissolution were 28 hour incubation period, with growth on modified PVK medium as the best medium for dissolution of Abu Tartur phosphate ore, 2. ...
Misr Phosphate Company is the largest company for producing phosphate ore in Egypt. The company ensures to meet the needs and requirements of local and international market at competitive prices. The company supplies the local market with fine grades of phosphate ire up to 31% P2O5 that distinguishes it from other competitors.
Radon concentration and surface exhalation rate for phosphate samples from El-Sebaeya and Abu-Tartur, Egypt, were measured using nuclear tracks detectors from types CR-39 and LR-115.
The dynamic leaching of lanthanides from a west desert phosphate ore, Egypt (Abu Tartur) by hydrochloric acid, nitric acid and sulfuric acid solutions was investigated in this study as a function of acid concentration, flow rate and the presence of some additives such as boric acid. Also the kinetics of leaching of lanthanides was …
4) Biogenic (or Guano ; or Island) deposits, 5) Phosphate deposits as a result of weathering. Approximately 75% of the world's phosphate resources are won from. sedimentary, marine ...
Spectral remote sensing mapping methods were applied for mapping apatite mineral as a key indicator of phosphate ore outcrops at the eastern side of Abu Tartur Plateau, Western Desert, Egypt, using Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) and Landsat series imagery. Previous investigations of …
Abdel-Azim confirmed that the commercial phosphoric acid production project in Abu Tartour in the New Valley is the largest industrial complex in Egypt for the production of phosphoric acid. In the complex, production depends on the use of Abu Tartur Phosphate ore, and maximizing its added value instead of exporting it as a raw material.
The leaching of rare earth elements (REEs) from Egyptian Abu Tartur phosphate rock using phosphoric acid has been examined and was subsequently optimized to better understand if such an approach ...
Abstract. This chapter reviews four types of non-metallic ore deposits in Egypt. These deposits are phosphate, white sand (glass sand or silica sand), argillic and evaporite deposits. Download chapter PDF.