Compaction of each reclaimed asphalt pavement aggregate layer shall continue until a wet density of at least 95 percent of the maximum wet density when determined in accordance with a one point AASHTO T 180, Method D test has been achieved. The surface of the base course will be tested with a 10-foot straightedge, or other approved device.


2. Crushed aggregate base coarse (Compaction Gravel) shall be purchased per standard ton with a standard ton to weight 2,000 pounds for the purpose of this contract. Material shall be ordered in full truck load lots. 3. Contractor shall proceed with delivery of crushed aggregate base coarse (Compaction Gravel) upon 12 hour notice. 4.

Standard Test Method for Clay Lumps and Friable …

5.5 In the case of mixtures of fine and coarse aggregates, separate the material on the 4.75-mm (No. 4) sieve, and prepare the samples of fine and coarse aggregates in accor …

DPWH Standard Specifications on Aggregate Sub-Base Course…

Asphalt material should be added to the aggregate at a rate of between 4 and 7 mass percent of the dry aggregate. Item 206 Portland Cement Treated Plant Mix Base Course A. Travel Plant Mixing Method: The salvaged or new aggregate is crushed until at least 80% of all components other than stone or gravel pass through a 4.75 mm …

32 11 23

B. Lump Sum: If the Bid Schedule indicates a lump sum for aggregate base course, the Lump-sum method of measurement and payment will be in accordance with Section 01 …

3138 Aggregate for Surface and Base Courses 3138.1 …

However, the bitumen content of the composite mixture shall not exceed 3.0 percent by mass (by weight). Nonconforming materials shall be subject to the provisions of Table 2211-D. (b) Surfacing aggregate (travel lanes and/or shoulders). All aggregates used for surfacing shall have passing the 19 mm (3⁄4 inch) sieve.

Determining the Amount of Clay Lumps & Friable …

2. Allow the clay lumps and friable particles to cool and determine the dry weight (L). 3. Dry the test sample to a constant weight. 4. Allow to cool and determine the dry weight (W). D. Calculation Percent of clay lumps and friable particles (P) = 100 X L/(L+W) Where: P = percent of clay lumps and friable particles


The necessity for meeting grades dictates that maximum top size does not exceed 75 mm (3 inches). When this specification is to be used as base course for roads, streets, and …

Determination of Clay Lumps in Aggregate, IS 2386 (Part …

The percentage of clay lumps in aggregates shall be calculated in accordance with the following formula: Formula to Calculate Clay Lumps in Aggregates:-. Where. L = percentage of clay lumps, W = weight of sample, and. R = weight of sample after removal of clay lumps. Reporting of Results:-.

Practices for Unbound Aggregate Pavement Layers

Key Lessons â ¢ Inverted pavements involve the construction of a â high qualityâ crushed stone base layer over a stabi- lized subbase course. â ¢ With the aggregate base layer functioning as the primary structural …

Design and Construction of Base Courses

asphalt and mineral aggregate and a base course. The base course is generally com­ posed of granular material such as crushed aggregate, gravel, selected soil, or a mix­ ture of selected soil and aggregate. Since the cost of the surface course per ton is sev­ eral times that of the base course, its thickness is generally just a fraction of ...

specification limits for clay lumps of aggregate base course

2202.1 Summary: This section includes the construction of aggregate base course as outlined in the contract special provisions and on the plans. 2202.2 Material: The base course material shall consist of crushed stone aggregate with not …


2202.2 Material: The base course material shall consist of crushed stone aggregate with not more than 1.0% clay lumps and friable particles in accordance with ASTM C 142, and free from vegetable or other deleterious substances. The abrasion loss shall be no more than 35% when tested in accordance with ASTM C 131. That fraction passing the 1


Aggregate base materials. The Contractor shall take samples of the aggregate base in accordance with ATM 301 to verify initial aggregate base requirements and gradation. Material shall meet the requirements in Subsection 209-2.1. This sampling and testing will be the basis for approval of the aggregate base quality requirements.


SECTION 3.03 AGGREGATE BASE COURSE _____ 13 3.03.01 SCOPE_____ 13 ... Tall Abbas El Gharbi Sewage Network Construction Specifications P-1505 MATERIALS FOR SUB BASE AND BASE COURSE 3.01 - Page 1 of 17 SECTION 3.01 MATERIALS FOR SUB-BASE AND BASE COURSES ... Percentage of fractured Grains (Base course) 5. …

Chapter 4

Note that the description for each aggregate quality class can be found in the relevant links to agency specifications presented in Appendix D. 4.4.7 Permeable Drainage Layer Kazmierowski et al. (1994) evaluated the field performances of several types of open-graded base course permeable layers, including layers stabilized with 200 and 300 lb ...

Cleanliness and Deleterious Materials – Pavement Interactive

Vegetation, soft particles, clay lumps, excess dust and vegetable matter are not desirable because they generally affect performance by quickly degrading, which causes a loss of structural support and/or prevents binder-aggregate bonding. To test for clay lumps or friable particles, a sample is first washed and dried to remove material passing ...

Understanding Aggregate Base Course in Construction

What is Aggregate Base Course. Aggregate Base Course (ABC) is a construction material used in road, highways, pavements and various other infrastructure projects. In addition, it is used in as ground improvement material. It plays a crucial role in providing structural support and stability to the road or pavement surface.

(PDF) Sustainable Performance of Iraqi Asphalt Base Course …

"standard specification for materials for aggregate and soil- aggregate sub ba se, base and surface courses ". American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). 2005.

Matls IM 209 App C

Clay Lumps. Plastic Index. Organic Material ... For the wearing course have no more than 50% retained between two consecutive sieves below the #4 sieve. Note: Crushed gravel or stone processed from coarse aggregate meeting requirements of 4127.02. AGGREGATE SPECIFICATION LIMITS & SAMPLING AND TESTING GUIDE. October 18, 2022 (See …


b. The base course beneath rigid pavements. c. Select-Materials are typically locally available coarse grained soils with a maximum CBR of 20 when used in a flexible pavement section. When this guide specification is used for aggregate base course under rigid pavement, edit section title of the project specification to: BASE COURSE FOR

CITY OF Section 32 11 23 LLOYDMINSTER …

.2 Gradations to be within limits specified when tested to ASTM C136 and ASTM C117 and to have a smooth curve without sharp breaks when plotted on a semi-logarithmic grading …


12 loss for aggregate used in OGAFC shall be 45%. The percentage loss for aggregate 13 used in UBWC shall be no more than 35%. 14 (7) Deleterious Materials 15 The maximum allowable percentage by weight of clay lumps and friable particles in 16 individual aggregate sources shall be 0.3% when tested in accordance with 17 AASHTO T 112.

Standard Specification for Concrete Aggregates1

(Table 1). If not stated, the 1.0 % limit shall apply. 4 Withdrawn. The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced on TABLE 1 Limits for Deleterious Substances in Fine Aggregate for Concrete Item Mass Percent of Total Sample, max Clay lumps and friable particles 3.0 Material finer than 75-µm (No. 200) sieve:


GRADED AGGREGATE BASE 204-1 Description. Construct a base course composed of graded aggregate. 204-2 Materials. Use graded aggregate material, produced from …

Sand Equivalent – Pavement Interactive

The sand equivalent test (Figure 1) is a rapid field test to show the relative proportions of fine dust or clay-like materials in fine aggregate (or granular soils). The term "sand equivalent" expresses the concept that most fine aggregates are mixtures of desirable coarse particles (e.g., sand) and generally undesirable clay or plastic ...

Practices for Unbound Aggregate Pavement Layers

Wells and Adams (1997) successfully constructed aggregate base courses in single-lift depths of 10 and 12 in., which were greater than the 8-in. maximum allowed by North …

Clay Lumps and Friable Particles in Aggregates1

7.1 Calculate the percent of clay lumps and friable particles in fine aggregate or individual sizes of coarse aggregate as follows: P 5 @~M 2 R!/M# 3100 (1) where: P = percent of clay lumps and friable particles, M = mass of test sample (for fine aggregate the mass of the portion coarser than the 1.18-mm (No. 16) sieve as described in 5.3), and

F A A Engineering Brief No. 102, Asphalt Treated …

Clay lumps and friable particles ; Less than or equal to 3 percent : ASTM C142 : Fine Aggregate . Clay lumps and friable particles . Less than or equal to 3 percent : ASTM C142 : Soundness of Aggregates by Use of Sodium Sulfate . or . Magnesium Sulfate . Loss after 5 cycles: 10% maximum using Sodium sulfate - or - 15% maximum using …


Limits, By Weight 1. Clay Lumps 0.5% 2. Coal and Lignite 0.5% ... thereto as needed to conform with these Specifications. The aggregate shall be of two classes: Class A and Class B. ... aggregate base and surface courses, such as creek gravel and chert, bank gravel and chert, crushed stone and chert, or crushed slag and chert, are ...


aggregate shall be free from vegetation, lumps, or excessive amounts of clay and other objectionable substances. 208–2.2 SAMPLING AND TESTING. Furnish aggregates for preliminary testing prior to the start of production.

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