Environmental Risks From Mine Tailings

Tailings deposited as large piles can cause a variety of environmental problems: Slumps, landslides. Tailing piles can be unstable, and experience landslides. In 1966, in Aberfan, Wales, a hill of ...

Bioremediation techniques for the treatment of mine …

Abstract. Mine tailings (MTs) are the materials dumped on a mining site after mineral extraction, containing scattered traces of residual minerals, dug-up soils, …


3.1 SETTING OF THE MINE SITE Tailings management is typically easier, at least physically, in dry climates, where advantage can be taken of desiccation (that is, drying …

Tailings.info Deposition Methods of Tailings

Deposition techniques. Tailings can be discharged using subaqueous (below water) or subaerial techniques (above the water line, on the ground or on the tailings beach) (DPI 2003). The choice between these methods can dramatically effect how the tailings deposit and settle within the impoundment. The tailings characteristics themselves can also ...


practices in the area of tailings management so this essential industry can continue with far less impact to the communities where mining takes place. Progress in tailings management requires taking into consideration that tailings are part of a complex system. There is more complexity to managing tailings than can be handled by simple linear ...

(PDF) Physico-chemical Characteristics of a Gold Mining Tailings …

Arsenic, iron and cyanide were identified as the major pollutants in the tailings dam wastewater with average concentrations of 4.5, 25.2 and 11.1 mg·L-1, respectively. Arsenic, iron and free CN ...

Numerical Simulation of Geophysical Models to Detect Mining Tailings …

The effective detection and monitoring of mining tailings' leachates (MTLs) plays a pivotal role in environmental protection and remediation efforts. Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) is a non-invasive technique widely employed for mapping subsurface contaminant plumes. However, the efficacy of ERT depends on selecting the optimal …

An efficient and environmentally friendly process for the …

The effect of using phosphate mine tailings and phosphate rocks as absorbents on SO 2 removal efficiency was investigated, and the results are shown in Fig. 1.As can be seen from Fig. 1 A, 100 % SO 2 absorption efficiency for 18 h can be obtained by using phosphate mine tailings mixed deionized water as absorbent. Moreover, even …

Tailings Landscape

Tailings Landscape - Global Mining Guidelines Group. This 2019 study of approximately 30 guidance documents, project initiatives and standards from around the world was undertaken by GMG and Cambrian College. It offers an understanding of existing practices and initiatives covering mine tailings throughout the global mining industry.

Take two: why mine tailings are worth another look

The Global Tailings Portal – a free, searchable database with detailed information on more than 1,800 mine tailings storage facilities (TSFs) around the world – was launched in January 2020. According to the portal's overview page, the current storage volume of the facilities on the database stands at 56 trillion cubic metres of tailings.

What are Tailings

Mine tailings, consisting of process effluents that are generated in a mineral processing plant, are generally transferred to tailings ponds/impoundments to meet …

Mine Tailing Tailings Impoundments. Mine tailings are the finely ground residue from ore extraction. The grain size of the tailings depends on the nature of the ore and the milling process. Size measurements (Robertson, 1994) of tailings from four mines in Ontario, Canada, indicated the tailings materials to be predominantly silt and fine to medium ...

Minerals | Free Full-Text | Dry Stacking of Filtered Tailings …

Communities and authorities have been dismayed by globally recorded tailings storage facility (TSF) failures in recent years, which have negatively affected the safety of people and the integrity of the environment. In this context, obtaining the social and environmental license to operate TSFs has become a challenging process for mining …

Management of Tailings Facilities

CHAnGes in version 3.1 Version 3.1 is an update to the third edition of A Guide to the Management of Tailings Facilities (the Tailings Guide), released in November 2017, to reflect the second edition of MAC's Developing an Operation, Maintenance, and Surveillance Manual for Tailings and Water Management Facilities (the OMS Guide), …

Processing Tests, Adjusted Cost Models and the …

To increase resource efficiency, mining residues–especially tailings–have come into the focus of research, companies, and politics. Tailings still contain varying amounts of unextracted elements of value and minerals that were not of economic interest during production. As for primary mineral deposits, only a small share of tailings offers the …

Preface to the MME Special Focus Issue on Tailings Management | Mining

Water may be recovered from the tailings and recirculated through the process plant prior to transporting the tailings to a tailings storage facility (TSF) or using the tailings as backfill for underground mine voids. ... (2011) Mine waste management in the 21st century—challenges and solutions beyond incremental changes. Tailings and …

(PDF) A Review of Sustainable Management of Mine Tailings …

Environmental pollutants' transport through tailing extraction process is a big challenge. ... the percent finer than 75 µm on the position of the steady state line. ... Mine tailings produced ...

Diversity of free-living nitrogen-fixing microorganisms in wastelands

Research on the change of diversity of free-living nitrogen-fixers during the process of natural ecological restoration may provide further theoretical sup- port for the fixation and transformation of nitrogen in wastelands, and the natural restoration of wastelands of copper mine tailings. 1 Material and methods 1.1 Study area The sites ...

Accessing the growth potential of tailings retreatment and …

New research, developments in technology and advancements in equipment are unlocking significant growth opportunities in the extraction and treatment of tailings in South Africa. However, while ...

Preface to the Thematic Section: Mine Tailings: Problem or …

The overall SULTAN project concept is presented in Fig. 1.Following a diversified and sustainable supply-chain approach, SULTAN develops novel methodologies to study the resource potential of Europe's most important tailing families (Cu–Zn, Zn-Pb, and Cu–Zn-Pb tailings, WP1) and explores eco-friendly mining chemicals that can be …

Mine tailings dams: Characteristics, failure, environmental impacts

Tailings are mixtures of crushed rock and processing fluids from mills, washeries or concentrators that remain after the extraction of economic metals, minerals, mineral fuels or coal from the mine resource (e.g., Fig. 1 a; Hudson-Edwards et al., 2001, Younger and Wolkersdorfer, 2004, Lottermoser, 2007).The word 'tailings' is generic as it …

Tailings.info What Are Tailings?

Introduction. Tailings consist of ground rock and process effluents that are generated in a mine processing plant. Mechanical and chemical processes are used to extract the desired product from the run of the mine ore and produce a waste stream known as tailings. This process of product extraction is never efficient, nor is it possible to ...

(PDF) Oxidation process and hydrology of tailings dams: …

The auriferous ore is hosted in quartzite reefs and as such the resulting tailings consist mostly of quartz. Additional minerals noted by others (Yibas et al. 2012) on similar tailings material ...

Unlocking the potential of microbes: biocementation technology for mine

Mine tailings contain finer particles, crushed rocks, dugout-soil, water, and organic and inorganic metals or metalloids, including heavy metals and radionuclides, which are dumped as waste or non-economic by-products generated during mining and mineral processing. These abundant and untreated materials seriously threaten the environment, …

Mine tailings

Introduction. The world's mining industry is rapidly changing and faces challenges that must be addressed with a sociotechnical and environmental approach, …

Recycling of mine tailings for the geopolymers

3. Environmental consequences and waste disposal. The disposal of MT is one of the most substantial causes of ecological damage ‎caused by the mining industry. This is not unexpected given the fact that the amount of mine ‎tailings that must be kept often surpasses the amount of ore that can be extracted in situ.


This chapter introduces the systems approach to tailings management including the systems that produce tailings, and the systems associated with the design, …

All of the World's Mine Tailings, in One Visualization

10,180,000,000. 8,850,000,000. Tailings are what is left over after mills separate the metal from the mined rock. The processed material "tailings" comes from the "tail" end of a mining mill and comprise fine particles mixed with water forming a slurry. Mining companies will store this waste in dams or ponds.

The Reprocessing and Revalorization of Critical …

Barbara J. Arnold. 1308 Accesses. 7 Citations. Explore all metrics. Abstract. Mine tailings, the byproduct of mining and mineral processing, are increasingly mass …

(PDF) Copper Upgrading and Recovery Process from Mine Tailing …

A process for concentration of Cu from a Cu mine tailing by flotation has been investigated in this study. The flotation studies were carried out under varying conditions of pH (3.5~12), flotation ...

Analysis of the flocculation process of fine tailings particles …

The results obtained with the PBM on the flocculation process of tailings particles show an interesting result (Fig. 7); the parameters s 1, particularly, and s 2 each maintain practically constant values suggesting that the breakage rate, for a specified shear rate, depends linearly on the size of the aggregates, at least in the range of ...

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