Gold mining industry represents an important source of socio-economic development in most economies. Ghana has had its fair share of the benefits the mining sector brings by way of direct revenue generation and job creation. In spite of this significant contribution from gold mining, the sector appears to be facing various forms …
This paper looks at the effects of mining in Ghana, especially in the Obuasi Municipality. It does this by looking at the history of mining in Ghana (Obuasi), the regulatory actors along the ...
View PDF. Ghana is endowed with significant mineral resources and has a formidable mining sector which has grown considerably in recent years to represent an important pillar of the economy. In spite of these positive …
The study aimed to assess the impact of mining on the lives of people living in Obuasi Municipality. Both probability and non-probability research techniques were chosen for the study. In all, 154 ...
Summary: Obuasi, an underground operation mining to a depth of 1,500m, is located in Ghana's Ashanti region, approximately 60km south of Kumasi. Obuasi is an underground operation utilising both vertical shafts and declines as main access routes to the underground workings. The mine has seen extensive historical mining activities with …
This article seeks to project the important role played by gold mining in economic development of modern areas of Obuasi and Adanse in Ghana. It challenges those scholars who doubt the transformative, developmental and poverty alleviation roles of the mining industry in Ghana. The study is based on archival and oral research, and it …
The mining industry has been crucial to the development of Ghana. As with all industries, mining has both advantages and disadvantages for the inhabitants of mineral-rich communities. The manner in …
For over 100 years, mining in Obuasi has been a major contributor to the country's foreign exchange earnings. For each of the past five years, mining in Obuasi contributed an average of $2 billion in government revenue. Mining communities, however, complain the industry has failed to deliver tangible benefits for local people.
Obuasi, town, southern Ghana. It is located in a hilly area about 100 miles (160 km) from Accra. Its growth was stimulated by the discovery of a large gold deposit in 1897 and the building of the railway from Sekondi in 1902. The Asante gold mine at Obuasi remained the country's major producer ... Although mining is dominant, the town's ...
AngloGold Ashanti, one of Africa's largest gold producers, has successfully proven its ability to transform the historic Brownfields Obuasi gold mine in the Ashanti region of Ghana into a modern, …
"This is unfortunately the latest in a string of human rights abuses that have been occurring in Ghana's mining sector over the years," said Keith Slack, ... In 2005, Awudu Mohammed, another alleged illegal miner, was also shot in the back near Obuasi. In 2009, Anthony Baidoo from Ghana's Tebrerbie community was shot and maimed when …
For each of the past five years, mining in Obuasi contributed an average of $2 billion in government revenue. Mining communities, however, complain the industry …
The environment, its natural resources and development capacity remains a contentious element in the development process of human society. In Ghana, similarly as Africa and other developing countries, there is a huge dependence of environmental resources for economic growth and development. Mining gold resources is directly …
Mining and processing methods. Obuasi is an underground mining operation involving stope mining (both longitudinal and transverse) as well as sub-levels caving methods. The operating depth for the mine extends up to 1,500m-deep beneath the surface. The underground workings are reached through two main vertical shafts as well as one …
4. Awudi, George; The role of foreign direct investment (FDI) in the mining sector of Ghana and the environment. Paper presented at the conference on foreign direct investment and the environment, Paris – France. 2002. …
Assessing the Knowledge and Practices of Occupational Safety and Health in the Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining Sector of Ghana: A Case of Obuasi. peter donkor. SSRN Electronic Journal. See Full PDF Download PDF.
The mining industry, an extremely competitive environment in Africa. Besides the various challenges mentioned above, it is important to bear in mind that the mining sector is highly developed in Africa, and is facing increased competition between different states to attract international investors. The latter plays a key role in providing ...
Obuasi, about 200 kilometres northwest of Accra, Ghana's capital, is home to one of the richest gold mines in the whole world. For more than a hundred years the precious metal mined there has been taken to jewellers in the West and beyond, earning millions of dollars for mining companies and their shareholders, wrote journalist Efan …
This is seen in the findings of Okoh (2014) where local inhabitants in Obuasi (a mining town in Ghana) were unhappy with the biophysical and sociocultural implications of mining operations on the ...
The revival of the mining sector in the 1990s, however, resulted in new investment being channelled to Wassa West District by a number of multinational mining companies, largely for surface mining rather than underground operations. ... As Table 1 shows, commerce has now become the dominant sector in Obuasi, employing over a …
This article seeks to explore the role of the mining sector in peace building, conflict prevention and community development in Ghana. After thoroughly reviewing secondary data, including articles, books, journals, newspapers, etc., via critical document review and qualitative research approaches the research found that, there is no legal document on …
The Ghanaian mining industry is a controversial one. Many believe that the industry has contributed greatly towards the socio-economic development of the country in terms of employment and social infrastructure. ... impacts 3.1 Mining in the Obuasi area may damage peoples' health High levels of dust and pollution from surface mining in Obuasi ...
The mining sector has been blamed for changing the color, and quality, of local rivers. ... "What's happening in terms of illegal mining in Ghana—let's think beyond Obuasi—is something ...
This study employed a subjective evaluation method, using interviews, focus group discussions and observation to analyse the impact of gold mining on the development of Tarkwa and Obuasi in Ghana.
The ASM-mining company conflict in Obuasi, therefore, is more of an economically-motivated conflict, which potentially has a longer duration than typical justice-seeking disputes. The formation of a formidable informal association by the illegal miners in Obuasi has proved indispensable in ensuring short-term survival and is potentially a key ...
AngloGold Ashanti is an independent, global gold mining company with a diverse, high-quality portfolio of operations, projects and exploration activities across nine countries on four continents. We pursue value-creating opportunities involving other minerals, where we can leverage our existing assets, shareholdings, skills and experience. As ...
by Charles Wundengba May 5, 2016 1. The gold operation at Obuasi, 200km north west of Accra in Ghana, was the major asset of Ashanti Goldfields Company (AGC), established in London in 1897. AGC started underground mining in 1907; Lonrho purchased AGC in 1969; and the Ghanaian Government reduced its holding in 1994, leaving Lonrho (now Lonmin ...
Gold Mining Sector; Obuasi Municipality; Ghana. 1. Introduction Mining industry is an important sector for the development of economies of countries that have substantial gold deposits. The industries have attracted both large …
MINING EFFECTS ON THE PEOPLE OF GHANA (OBUASI) After the increase in mining sector investments following Ghana's ERP, mining became the chief earner of Ghana's foreign exchange [20]. Aside from …
Obuasi, located in the Ashanti Region of Ghana, is a charming town with a rich cultural heritage and stunning natural beauty. While primarily known for its gold mining industry, Obuasi offers tourists a range of attractions that make it a wonderful destination to explore.
The invaluable contribution of the mining industry in any country's economy is widely acclaimed and thus not far-fetched. In as much as the mining industry contributes hugely to economic and social growth, its operations are characterized by complex supply chain processes that are relatively capital and cost intensive, and technologically sophisticated …
This paper seeks to review some impacts of mining in Ghana, focusing on the Obuasi Municipality, by reflecting on the history of mining in Ghana …
Vincent Mohammed Musah. Environmental Science, Political Science. 2017. This study focuses on the narratives of resistances to mining, and environment related conflicts in two communities in Ghana-Tanchara and Cherikpong. In Tanchara, mining operations have been halted…. Expand. 2. PDF. 1 Excerpt.
Mining is a key component of Ghana's national economy; the country is Africa's largest gold producer. The Covid-19 pandemic highlighted the mineral's prominent role, as gold is seen as a safe investment during uncertain times. While the mining sector faces challenges in terms of modernising practices, diversification efforts are forging ahead. …
Formalization elevates the small-scale mining sector from "an unorganized, unsupervised industry to one that is modernized, monitored, organized, and supported" (Hilson & Potter, 2005, p. 108).
Although mining is dominant, the town's economy has diversified through commerce and cocoa production. Migrant labour from northern Ghana and neighbouring countries …
Mining industry in Ghana - statistics & facts. Ghana. Ghana was the sixth-largest producer of manganese in the world as of 2021. The production volume of the metal reached 3.3 million metric tons ...