In 2018, our team was asked to consult on a 50ha mangrove site that had been enclosed and cleared, resulting in a loss of tree cover that allowed the mangrove floor to be eroded away. Hills were washed into and filled draining channels, resulting in a flatter pond floor with poorly drained, often saturated soil. Following an extensive survey ...
The Mangrove Education Project (MEP) launched its new curriculum of the Cayman Islands Coastal Education Guide (CEG) at a Cayman…. 1455 NW Leary Way, Suite 400, . Seattle, WA 98107United StatesA global charity based in the U.S. with 501(c)3 status. About. Our Work.
Mangrove forests are being lost at around 1% per year. The last IUCN assessment highlighted that more than one in six mangrove species are currently under threat of extinction. Our mangrove restoration work is currently focused in the Philippines, where over 50% of mangroves have been lost. The super-typhoon Haiyan (locally known as …
What we did. Working in collaboration with the Coastal Livelihood and Environmental Network (CLEAN), our Marvellous Mangroves project extended to six rural schools in Khulna. Together with teachers and students, our team spent two days "on land" teaching about the Sundarbans ecosystem and carrying out our MM activities. This was followed …
What we did. As part of our efforts to enhance understanding of mangrove ecology and stakeholder needs, MAP teamed up with Wetlands International Eastern Africa to conduct a restoration workshop in Lamu County. Home to over 60% of Kenya's mangroves, the mangroves of Lamu provide a vital ecosystem for the community, protecting against …
Dr. Jennifer Howard, Vice President of the Blue Carbon Program at Conservation International, co-author and editor of the Guidelines said: "Restoring mangroves is a potentially transformative nature-based solution to mitigate climate change and increase coastal resiliency. However, scaling and investments in ambitious mangrove …
Mangrove Restoration Project. The Guyana Mangrove Restoration Project was executed during 2010-2013 under the National Agricultural Research & Extension Institute. Following completion of the Project phase and given the importance of mangroves to Guyana's coastal defenses, mangrove restoration, and management was integrated …
For years, the NGO Mangrove Action Project (MAP) has been promoting the restoration of mangrove forests in Asia. For this purpose, the organisation has successfully …
For years, the NGO Mangrove Action Project (MAP) has been promoting the restoration of mangrove forests in Asia. For this purpose, the organisation has successfully developed and implemented an alternative restoration method called Ecological Mangrove Reforestation (EMR). The project area is located at the Andaman Coast in the province …
The Mangroves for Coastal Resilience Project will focus on strengthening the policy and institutions for mangrove management and rehabilitation, promoting …
Location: Suriname. Timeline: May 2019 Goal: To conduct an interdisciplinary training course that helps students explore and understand the function and structure of ecological systems, and teaches local NGOs, academics and government officers from Suriname, Guyana and French Guiana about mangrove restoration.This was the first time MAP …
Mangroves function as a crucial buffer zone, preventing soil erosion, shielding communities from wave action and storms, and minimizing losses of life caused by extreme weather events. They're also key for food security. Mangrove forests underpin coastal food webs that support many commercial harvests, local subsistence fishing and other ...
framework of a project called "Mangrove reforestation in Asia – local action and cross-border transfer of knowledge for the conservation of climate, forests and biodiversity" the project team restored over 100 hectares of damaged or destroyed mangrove forests – an irreplaceable ecosys-tem for unique biodiversity, important carbon sink, and
The French Tropical Wetlands Network has produced a technical guide on mangrove restoration. The report provides a summary of key elements that should be considered in any mangrove restoration project, based on a review of available literature and practices around the world. "Mangroves are currently threatened by a host of …
Over 6,600 km2 are still highly restorable but will require long-term funding to communities. IUCN, through the Global Mangrove Alliance, is collaborating across the mangrove community to develop tools that can maximize restoration success. Living with Mangroves At the center of mangrove restoration, protection and sustainable use are …
Mangrove seedlings. 4. Cambodia. Action Aid, an international NGO that works against poverty and injustice worldwide, started a campaign, She Is The Answer, which aids communities' resilience to climate change through empowering local women. ... The Mangrove Restoration Project aims to improve coastal sustainability by increasing …
Jim is MAP's former Asia Coordinator (1999-2018), overseeing every stage of our Thailand projects. Today, he continues to assist MAP with Community-based Ecological Mangrove Restoration (CBEMR) training workshops around the globe. Before joining MAP, Jim spent 7 years working on coastal resource issues in Thailand.
The Mangrove Breakthrough aims to secure the future of 15 million hectares of mangroves globally by 2030, seeing investments of 4 billion USD by 2030 to conserve and revitalize these coastal …
The mangrove restoration guidelines take a holistic approach, accounting for ecological, social and financial factors, which can make or break a restoration project. It also includes a module related to blue carbon projects to ensure sustainable finance towards mangrove restoration. Pieter van Eijk, Programme Head of Coasts and Deltas …
Guiding principles for successful mangrove restoration. These six principles are woven throughout the guidelines and can be applied in every phase of the project cycle. Principle 1: Safeguard nature and maximise biodiversity. Principle 2: Employ the best information and practices. Principle 3: Empower people and address their needs. Principle 4:
Nick Keyes. +1 (202) 473-9135. nkeyes@worldbankgroup. Jakarta. Lestari Boediono. +62-21-5299-3156. lboediono@worldbank. The World Bank's Board of Executive Directors approved a project to support the Government of Indonesia in enhancing the management of mangroves and livelihoods of local communities on May …
Over 8 days, 53 people learned best practices in mangrove management and restoration and were introduced to relevant mangrove ecology and science that underpins ecological mangrove restoration. The second workshop was held on Grand Bahama for the Bonefish and Tarpon Trust (BTT) and Waterkeepers Bahamas (WKB), two groups that have been ...
Mangroves & Landscape. Captivating images of our mangroves with a unique perspective from expansive vistas down to the microscale of individual plants and other flora. Images may include unseen angles, …
Mangrove Action Project was formed in 1992. Its founders – Alfredo Quarto, Ian Baird and Pisit Charnsonah – had witnessed firsthand the rapid devastation of the world's …
This article is a practical summary of Mangrove Action Project's (MAP) 'Community-Based Ecological Mangrove Restoration' (CBEMR) technique for restoring mangroves, …
Mangrove Action Project Presentation. Feb 16, 2015 •. 8 likes • 3,660 views. M. MangroveActionProject. Mangroves are vital for healthy coastal ecosystems in many regions of the world and research and studies are revealing the unique importance of these habitats to the planet. The Mangrove Action Project is dedicated to reversing the ...
GNF: The Global Nature Fund (GNF) is the project holder of a 4-year initiative (ending in Dec 2015) implemented in 4 Asian countries, including Thailand called Mangrove Restoration and Reforestation in Asia, a Project for Knowledge Exchange and Action to Reduce Climate Change, and Protect Forest and Biodiversity.
Data from the India State of Forest Report (2021) indicates a reduction in mangrove cover from 1,038 sq km in 2011 to 994 sq km in 2021, representing a loss of about 4.4% over the past two decades. Poaching and the construction of unplanned embankments for settlements further exacerbate the challenges. The Sundarbans is also increasingly ...
framework of a project called "Mangrove reforestation in Asia – local action and cross-border transfer of knowledge for the conservation of climate, forests and biodiversity" the …
During the first 40 years of mangrove restoration, aboveground biomass carbon (AGC) in reforestation and afforestation projects both increased gradually (Fig. 2a), but with reforestation sites ...
The training involved a mixture of presentations, learning exercises and Q&A sessions. Through the knowledge gained, villagers were able to successfully restore 0.7ha of mangroves using the principles and methods of CBEMR. Community members have also seen a noticeable increase in both vertebrates and invertebrates at each restoration site.
The Mangrove Action Project have been demonstrating a unique approach to restoring mangrove forests together with local communities. The Community-based Ecological Mangrove Restoration (CBEMR) Method supports a holistic, science-based approach that encourages practitioners to mitigate mangrove stressors and facilitate natural …
This grant supports coalition-building of technical, political, and financial partners, the design of regional investment strategies, and curation of a pipeline of locally led mangrove restoration and conservation projects in 3 countries. Oliver Wyman donated USD 100,000 to support the establishment of the Mangrove Breakthrough …
This grant supports coalition-building of technical, political, and financial partners, the design of regional investment strategies, and curation of a pipeline of locally-led mangrove restoration and conservation projects in 3 countries. Oliver Wyman donated USD 100,000 to support the establishment of the Mangrove Breakthrough …
Mangrove Action Project (MAP) is a small, education-focused US-registered 501c(3) non-profit. We work in partnership with all mangrove-interested parties from individuals and community groups to academics, governments, international NGO networks and supranational organisations. MAP has two training products: a best practice 'Community …
What to expect live. Designed for groups of up to 25 participants, workshops can last from 5 to 10 days. They include: Question-led, photo-based theory sessions on subjects such as mangrove ecology and biology, understanding mangrove stressors, and restoration best practices. Field trips that bring the theory to life.