Model Railroad Ballast: all you need to know

The model railroad ballast has become a prevalent practice, especially among those who love scale models. Applying a rock surface to a model railway track adds more realism to the setting. A vast majority of real railways use local area rocks as ballast, so knowing the area of the prototype train you are using is … Continue reading "Model Railroad Ballast: …

Ballast Specification

The particle size distribution (grading) of ballast aggregates, when determined in accordance with AS 1141.11 and AS 1141.12, shall conform to the requirements set out in …

Understanding the Track Structure of a Ballasted Track

Ballasted track, a common type of railway track, consists of a series of wooden or concrete sleepers (ties) laid on a compacted foundation. The sleepers support the rails, and the …


What Are the Functions Ballast in Railway Track bed? The primary reasons for using ballast are as follow: It provides a hard and level bed for the sleepers. It holds the sleepers in proper place during the passage o moving trains. It provides to some extent elastic bed for the track. It transmits and distributes the load from the sleepers to ...

How To Ballast Model Railway Track | An Easy To Follow …

Then, add a few drops of washing-up liquid to the glue-water mixture. Stir well for a few minutes once more. The washing-up liquid will reduce surface tension in the glue-water mixture when applied to the ballast. Fill a hand-trigger spray bottle with clean water. Set the nozzle to a fine, wide spray.

Evaluation of the Strength of Railway Ballast Using Point

The ballast layer is one of the most important components of the railway track superstructure in which angular aggregates of high strength rocks are used. Ballast degradation is one of the main sources of railway problems in which the ballast aggregates are gradually degraded due to the abrasion of the sharp corners of the angular particles …

Ballast | Trains Magazine

Track ballast Down below the trains, below the rails, the tie plates, and the ties, is a lowly yet vital component of railroading — track ballast. ... Railroad track, like buildings, needs good drainage to remain in top condition for long periods. ... Stones of 1 to 3-1/2 inches in size are preferred. Hard crushed furnace slag, some kinds of ...

Railway basics

The track formation is the part of the railway installations that carries the rolling traffic. It forms the carriageway. Technically, the track formation is divided into the subgrade (e.g. an area prepared to compensate for unevenness, if necessary, and the solidified foundation soil) and the superstructure (e.g. ballast and track). The track ...

How to Realistically Ballast Your Track – The Model Railroad …

Using a one-inch-wide makeup blush brush, push the ballast along the track. Keep the brush vertical to your track, and do not apply too much downward pressure. The goal is to let the bristles of the brush just skim across the outer ties and let the ballast create its own natural slope.

Main Parts Of A Railroad Track

A railroad track is mainly composed of rails, railroad ties (sleepers), fasteners, railway switch, ballast, subgrade. The components of railway track play different roles in providing support for trains. The track structure is built for rolling stock to roll upon safely and smoothly. Both passenger lines and freight lines are beneficial from ...


Primarily used on the rail track, but can also be used for roadways and in concrete. AREA #4 Ballast specifications, as well as ASTM C-33 Size #4. AREA #5 (C-Ballast) – 1.5″ to 3/8″ (washed/clean) Commonly used in rail yards and for backfilling lateral lines and around pipes. Railroad Ballast is a clean, crushed granite.

Railroad Ballast (Rock): Specifications, Sizes, …

Track ballast (usually crushed stone), as it is known, is another important part of railroad infrastructure. Although it may just look like plain ole gravel this stone plays a vital role in acting as a support base for the railroad ties and rails as well as allowing for …

Exploring Railway Track Components: Rails, …

Rail spike fastening is an essential component of railway track systems used to secure the rails to the sleepers or ties. The forces transmitted from the rails to the ballast, including those from rolling …

The effects of ballast on the sound radiation from railway track

The flow resistivity and porosity of the ballast with 1:5 stone sizes are also measured. In all cases the geometry of the ballast layer is scaled by for factor 1:5 and so the frequency is scaled by a factor of 5. ... The ballast is also an important component of the track. Railway ballast is a porous medium with absorptive properties [13–15 ...

Project railroad series: Ballasting | Garden …

The importance of ballasting gauge-1 track: LGB track is heavy enough to float by itself in ballast, just like full-size railroad track. The ballast not only provides a good, solid base for the track, it keeps …

Identification of ballast grading for rail track

the ballast grading for heavy-haul rail track, monotonic and cyclic triaxial tests are conducted to assess. the performances of different gradings. Permanent deformations, aggregates degradation ...

How to ballast model railway track

Tidy up the edges so the ballast on either side of the track ends parallel to the track. Mix up some ballast glue — a mix of PVA glue and water to a ratio of 50/50 with a few drops of IPA or washing-up liquid. With a very fine spray, damp the ballast with a mix of water and a few drops of washing-up liquid.


The ballast must be suitable for the intended purpose: particle size and particle distribution by sieve curve or sieve line; grain shape (cubic, elongated) a certain amount of undersized and oversized stones; …

Understanding The Railroad Track Ballast

railroad ballast is used to create stable conditions for the railroad. Railroad ballast is usually. composed of crushed stone, although other materials, such as burned …

Railway ballast performance: Recent advances in the …

The particle size distribution of railway ballast has a significant influence on the track's mechanical behaviour. The ballast standard [49] (code: TBT2140-2008) specifies …


Rail knowledge to drive the success of the railway system and innovate global mobility ... Track ballast is broken and screened natural stone. The stones for the track ballast should have the following properties: resistant to weathering, ... General practice is to use crushed ballast in sizes from 21.4 to 63 mm for main lines. Characteristic ...

Understanding the Track Structure of a Ballasted Track

The track structure of a ballasted track is a critical element in the railway system, providing stability, load distribution, and drainage. Understanding the components and functions of a ballasted track is essential for maintaining safe and efficient train operations. Regular inspections, proper maintenance, and timely repairs are vital to ...

How to ballast model railway track | Railwayscenics

Ballast for railway modellers comes in many sizes and colours. You will need to choose the size depending on the scale of your model railway, and the colour because of what was used at the location of your railway. Size is really important as over or under size ballast just looks wrong.

Track ballasting made easy

Step 1: Between the rails. I ballasted a stretch of main line between Big Bend and Mukwonago, starting with the area between the rails. I like to ballast this part of the track first because I can cover a lot of ground in a short amount of time. First, I poured about 1 1 ⁄ 2 ounces of ballast into a 3-ounce drinking cup.

Ballast | Trains Magazine

While ballast often did not cover the ends of ties on mainline track 50 years ago, "shoulders" of ballast extending 12 to 18 inches beyond the tie ends are common …

Table 1 . Development of British Rail ballast specification

However, with the increase of modern track speed and the introduction of mechanised on-track tamping, ballast size has been increased significantly even up to 80 mm in French high-speed railway ...

Review of ballast track tamping: Mechanism, challenges and …

In reality, the volume of ballast particles that tamping tines disturb is larger than the ballast bed size of the DEM model. ... Aggregate shape effects on ballast tamping and railroad track lateral stability, AREMA Annual Conference, Loisville, KY, Sept, 2006, pp. 17-20. Google Scholar [33] M. Sysyn, V. Kovalchuk, U. Gerber, O. Nabochenko, A ...

Rail Ballast | Boral

Rail Ballast. Single size aggregate used in rail track construction. Generally has a nominal size of 63mm or 53mm. Can be used as a very coarse drainage material. Application/Use.

What is ballast ? Types, Functions, Characteristics, …

The exact size of the ballast depends upon the type of sleeper used and location of the track as below – Ballast size for wooden sleepers tracks = 5.1 cm. (gauge) Ballast size for steel sleepers tracks = 3.8 cm. (gauge) …

Ballast and Subgrade Requirements Study: Railroad Track Substructure

Ballast and Subgrade Requirements Study: Railroad Track Substructure – Design and Performance Evaluation Practices. Document Series. Technical Reports. Author. Federal Railroad Administration. Report Number. DOT/FRA/ORD …


Railroad Ballast supports the railroad ties. Because ballast is a large one-size, angular rock, it allows water to drain away from the track. The process of placing the ballast around and under the railroad ties and track is called tamping the track. The ballast supports and levels the track. Ballast also helps keep undesirable vegetation from ...

Blue Metal Aggregate 63mm (20-63mm) Rail Ballast

BCSands Online Shop - Building and Landscape Supplies Blue Metal Aggregate 63mm (20-63mm) Rail Ballast - Blue metal aggregate - rail ballast ranges in size from 20mm-63mm. Applications for this product include decorative gravel, driveway crossings and yes, building railways. It's also an attractive element to use in gardens. Take a closer look at …

ho scale ballast | Model Scenery Tutorials

Here is a table summarizing the recommended ballast sizes for HO scale: Ballast Type Diameter (mm) Fine 0.3mm – 0.8mm Medium 0.8mm – 1.5mm Coarse 1.5mm – 2mm. In general, fine ballast is more realistic for mainline track, while medium ballast is a good choice for secondary track and yard areas. Coarse ballast is not as commonly used in …

Rail Track Ballast – Tarmac

Ballast is the description for the aggregate beneath the rail track. The track ballast forms the track bed that suports the rail track load and provides water drainage. Rail ballast aggregate is typically 30-50mm aggretate. Hard and tough stone is required for rail ballast. Resists the severe attrition in a railway trackbed environment.

Ballasted railway track: reducing maintenance needs

Maintenance to restore the design level is usually by tamping. In this process, the track is raised and vibrating tines inserted into the ballast to squeeze it horizontally in the direction of the track, raising the level of the ballast surface. This reduces the density and disturbs the structure of the ballast, which has become established ...

Ballast in Railway – Functions, Types & Testing Procedures

The following tests are recommended to judge the suitability of the ballast in railway track: 1. Aggregate Abrasion Value. ... The test is not applicable to sizes smaller than 6.3 mm. Track ballast sample of sufficient quantity is taken to provide a minimum of 200 pieces, which is weighed (weight A).

Smart Rocks, Smart Tamper: Investigating the Mechanics of Ballast …

ATLANTA - Railway Track & Structures, April 2024 Issue: There are many forces that work to deteriorate track geometry over time. ... response — the team developed and deployed a number of "smart rocks" — wireless devices that are roughly the size of a ballast stone and contain an accelerometer, gyrometer, and a stress cell. …

Red Railway Ballast

Rail ballast is an aggregate which acts as a base for the railway track and provides drainage and strength for the heavy loads carried by trains. Railway tracks are typically filled with tough aggregate which is 30-50mm in size and can …